Friday, November 18, 2011

A fun day in Ames

Ben and Daddy enjoying some of their own game

the kids taking a break from tackling one another

Doug planned a fun day for all of us a few weeks ago and we took the kids to their first Iowa State football game /vs/ Kansas......NO, we are not abandoning our beloved HUSKERS, but this was such a fun opportunity to go to a Big 12 game with the kids, and they had a great time! Going to a game at Iowa State is such a fun experience. We had hillside tickets that afternoon so when they were getting a little restless, we just stepped a few steps back and were able to have our own little football game ourselves, stretch our legs, lay down etc.,.. A perfect situation for the Cairney kids and a perfect ending to the day with a "W" for the Cyclones!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

YES -- you are seeing white!!!

Ben, Kate, Elliott and Mackenzie before school

The kids were so very excited to see the first snow of the season when they woke up today! If only, I shared in their passion for the white stuff!!! (-: Actually......I got up to head to the Y for 0500 spin class and as I opened my garage door, noticed that it was deeper than I thought and my neighbor was actually stuck in our street right in front of our drive....SO, Doug and I had a very romantic shoveling date in our driveway from 0500-0545, and then I took a little walk around the neighborhood. I did enjoy the beauty and calmness that God can give us with a fresh layer of snow under a star lit sky with the moon shining so brightly....not a bad way to start the day!! (-: Blessings to you all ~~ Keri

Friday, November 4, 2011

Something is missing??????

Is this the most hilarious face or what???
try and get past the amazing beautiful blue eyes and check out the "shark teeth --- double row on the bottom"


The long awaited day finally arrived for Mr. Ben. He finally lost his first tooth! He has been working on this loose one in the front for over a month. It was getting pretty ridiculous....I noticed a few months ago the second row of permanent teeth coming in behind the baby teeth, and at that time, really started to encourage the wiggling. These teeth are really holding on -- making it thru pizza crusts, pulling sandwich bites, bagels, hot dogs, you name it, he eats it!!! Finally one night last week, while eating a BANANA of all things, out it came! He was so excited....Way to go Ben!!

Kate -- Fall Soccer

Nice big strides Sissy -- heading down the field!
Battle it out Kate!

Two against one Sis -- CHARGE!!!

Team Jaguars and Coaches Omar and Pete

Last game of the season and still smiling!!!

When I asked Kate what her favorite part of soccer was this year, she responded with a quick "my teammates". I would have to agree. Those girls did have a very fun year, and quite a few "W's " might I add. Kate was a strong dribbler on the team this year and also knocked in her share of goals, which is so fun to watch. She knows that immediately I will be letting the "loud whistle" go and wait for her to look for her thumbs up on the side lines! Just seeing the expressions on her face are priceless throughout different parts of the match (aggression, frustration, determination, fear--when she is goalie with defenders coming at her (: with a 2:1 ratio....but mostly happiness.) She really enjoys playing and cheering her teammates on....You had a great season Kate -- we are very proud of you!

Ben -- Fall Soccer

Big throw in Ben
Going for a GOAL!!!
Dribbling around his opponents, "fancy footwork"

Coach Matt and his fearless Chargers!!!

Ben had a fantastic soccer season this Fall. He loved playing each and every game & was excited to cheer his teamates on. He is just one of those kids that was made to run, especially when there is some sort of ball involved. One of the things that impressed me the most this year was his ability to make the corner sliding goal kick while falling down the majority of the time. (-: If I was only a video expert, I would definitely have tried to capture this. Maybe next year.... When asking Ben what his favorite part of soccer this year was he had this to share "

A visit to the pumpkin ranch

Ben and Cael on the hayrack ride
Kate ziplining over the haybales -- GO SISTER!!!

Our fire pit for smores and hotdogs -- very toasty!!

working on finding our way thru the corn maze -- thanks for your help Daddy!

Kate, Ben and friends....

Last year we were introduced to some very cool pumpkin patches and corn mazes in our area. This Fall we decided to try out the pumpkin ranch and we had such a fun time. The kids invited a few friends and we spent a beautiful evening playing, running around, ziplining, exploring corn mazes in the dark, telling scary stories around the fire, eating hotdogs, YUMMY smores and picking out pumpkins. A fun time was had by all and I think that we may even revisit this one next year!

For me, my favorite part is just being outside of the city lights on a beautiful evening with my family and not a cloud in the sky. The kids made multiple comments about "how dark it was" and "look at all of the stars"......a perfect way to spend an evening, appreciating all of the gifts that God has given me!

Ben's birthday

Birthday buddies -- Ben and Grandma Cairney
making sure that he gets all of those candles

working on the new Lego set

SO excited about the new LEGO CITY police set

and a couple of new footballs!!!!

Ben was excited to start his birthday.....waking up close to his exact birth time that morning he immediately tore into his gifts! He LOVED his new LEGO's and footballs, and was also blessed with many other gifts, cards and phone calls that week. For dinner we went to visit Papa and Grandma C. (as it is also her birthday on the 18th) and spent the evening celebrating with them and Uncle Jim. Ben was very detailed in what kind of cake that he wanted, "I want it to be 3 layers of DARK chocolate cake with white frosting in between each layer, then chocolate frosting over everything with rainbow sprinkles on the top!" and believe it or not, I was able to do just that. He loved it and it was very good! May you have a fantastic year being 7 buddy. You are such a special boy and I am very blessed to be your Mom -- I love you!!!! XOXOXOX

Kate's birthday

Today is her special day -- ### 10

She chose a chocolate/peanut butter ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery and our good friend Kara treated us to some gourmet cupcakes too!

One of the many phone calls of birthday greetings from friends and loved ones.

The "morning do" on the birthday girl.....excited to open her gifts as soon as she woke up. She especially loved her new book, her favorite treat from Costco (chocolate covered Acai berries) and a Harry Potter Lego Set.

Miss Kate was very blessed to have a fantastic 10th birthday. I went to school and had lunch with her, then we invited some friends over for dinner and ice cream cake. She is very excited to be in double digits now and had a great day! In true Kate fashion however, she was quick to add...."It has been a great day, but I cannot wait until next year when I will be 11 on 10-11-12...won't that be cool for my golden birthday!!"" that's our Kate, always looking forward to what is coming next (:

We love you sweetie girl -- many more birthday blessings to you and I thank-God each and every day that he chose me to be your Mom --- XOXOXOX