Friday, November 4, 2011

Kate's birthday

Today is her special day -- ### 10

She chose a chocolate/peanut butter ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery and our good friend Kara treated us to some gourmet cupcakes too!

One of the many phone calls of birthday greetings from friends and loved ones.

The "morning do" on the birthday girl.....excited to open her gifts as soon as she woke up. She especially loved her new book, her favorite treat from Costco (chocolate covered Acai berries) and a Harry Potter Lego Set.

Miss Kate was very blessed to have a fantastic 10th birthday. I went to school and had lunch with her, then we invited some friends over for dinner and ice cream cake. She is very excited to be in double digits now and had a great day! In true Kate fashion however, she was quick to add...."It has been a great day, but I cannot wait until next year when I will be 11 on 10-11-12...won't that be cool for my golden birthday!!"" that's our Kate, always looking forward to what is coming next (:

We love you sweetie girl -- many more birthday blessings to you and I thank-God each and every day that he chose me to be your Mom --- XOXOXOX

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