Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fun times with friends at the water park

aquatic center
Ben peering over the very "high" dive (3 meters)-- getting ready to jump!
Miss Kate half way down
Kate and Lindsey
Ben and Danny
Our families

I am sitting here, thinking back a bit on the Summer, my past posts and the posts that I have yet to publish for August and I cannot forget how very blessed we are to have such amazing friends in our lives!  This weekend, our very dear friends the Paulson's (whom are temporarily displaced in Florida (: )  were back visiting family and they invited us to meet them at the water park -- which we all had a BLAST at!  I am trying to decide who had more fun?  The kids or the parents?  The best answer of all is that fun was definitely had by all. You all may remember that we just visited them when we were in Florida in February. The kids picked up right where their friendships left off just 6 months ago and we adults enjoyed getting all caught up too!  A special thanks also goes out to Stephanie's Mom, John and their family for hosting all of us for dinner that evening. We had a great time -- thanks for all the fun memories and for sharing your Iowa vacation with us!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pool time with friends

 4 cute kids and their amazing handstands!!!
 balloon glow
We spent a very fun weekend with our good friends Kay, Brian, Reed and Leah. Each and every summer we try and get together for at least a few days, and this year, the kids reminded us that we only stay for "one night"!!! SO, Kay and I promised them that hopefully next year, we will make it a 2 night sleep over event. (--;  The kids have such a great time playing baseball, riding bikes, scooters, playing at the park and of course, swimming in the backyard pool. This allows Kay and I ample opportunity to "catch up" on all of our recent life events and enjoy some quality time together. Kay and I met in nursing school and soon became great friends....she is such an amazing woman in all hats that she wears (wife, mother, nurse, daughter, sister, aunt, etc.,) and I adore her so much!  What a blessing our friendship is to me...and I LOVE that our sons and daughters are becoming such great friends too!   Thanks for all of your hospitality this weekend -- can't wait until next Summer -- love to you all -- Keri

Monday, July 9, 2012

A day at adventureland

 The lucky winner!!
Part of our group -- crazy cousins!
Ben and caden
It has been a tradition in my family to enjoy a day each year at adventureland.  I remember when I was little...waking up to my Dad saying "today's the day!!" and we would awake to my Mom having our bags packed, the car loaded and off we would go to meet our cousins and ride rollercoasters, ferris wheels, tilt-a-whirls, tea cups, log rides,water slides, etc., you name it we tried it from opening to closing each and every time!! I so cherish those memories and LOVE that my kids are getting to enjoy those same rides with their cousins.....we had a great day today -- Thanks family!!!!
**** a side note about the top photo *** My children (especially Kate) are always asking me to play games at amusement parks. I usually give them the same answer each and every year (just like the answer that I heard growing up..."we are not here to play games, we are here to ride rides!") but now that allowance has entered the Cairney home, Kate chose to spend her weekly allowance playing the milk bottle game and wouldn't you know it -- SHE WON!!!  Her face was priceless, her smile a mile wide and it is a moment that I will never forget (-; Way to go Kate -- your pitching arm was great!!!  Love you..............Mom

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Papa and Nanny's "vacation" home for a week

The kids have been counting down the days until their week long stay in Pender with Papa and Nanny all Summer. I will admit, I love going home just as much as they do.  There is just something about that small town that I completely LOVE and I am so very proud that Kate and Ben have such a special place in their hearts for that community. We arrived on Sunday afternoon and I was able to stay with them until Wednesday morning.  Our days were filled with playing at the pool, trips to the library, popo's for pancakes, visiting Papa at work, jumping on the trampoline, watching movies, playing board games, dining out for pizza and subway sandwiches, eating all of Nanny's delicious meals and muffins, riding scooters and bikes, math worksheets & summer writing journals (their favorite parts of the day  (-;) TONS of laughter and memory making moments! 
As I headed back to work on Thursday and Friday, I know that plenty of spoiling was going on while they had their grandparents all to themselves -- but it's all GOOD!!  We picked them up this afternoon. What a chatty pair they were at the lunch table -- so excited to share all of their fun moments with us!  THANK-YOU so much Mom and Dad for all of your help with them this week. We all had an amazing time and we are already planning our next trip back  ~~~~ We Love you both!!!

A birthday party with cousins

 the very happy birthday boy -- Cole
 Enjoying his first cupcake
 Our newest cousin Miss Harper
 The kids had such a great time together being silly!!!
We spent Tuesday evening celebrating Cole's first birthday and getting caught up on the latest happenings with our cousins and extended family.  Thank you for hosting a wonderful dinner party Uncle Ron and Aunt Karen!

Fireworks with Papa and Nanny

 Kate working patiently on her "parachute" & the remains of her black snakes on the driveway proved some fun too!!
 The quick light and "RUN AWAY!"
Growing up in Iowa does not provide the opportunity for many fireworks (legally that is......) Each night we heard people all over town entertaining themselves with the sights and sounds of the small explosives.  Papa treated the kids to a trip to the fireworks stand and they were able to pick out a few things (sliders, snakes, parachutes, sparklers, and zingers).  Their eyes were so big with excitement as they shared their stories with Doug and I about how they were lighting them, which ones were there favorite, etc.,. such fun memories for them all and they even returned with all 10 fingers and toes -- WHEW!!!  (-;

A week away -- pool time!

 Kate perfected her diving off the boards!

 Ben loved both the boards and the slide

 Kate also learned this "flip off the board"
Papa and Kate playing baseball with the kick boards.
The heat was absolutely crazy last week when we were back visiting Papa and Nanny.  100+ degrees every day with the heat index being even higher.  The pool was a great choice to cool off each and every afternoon. We had such a fun time swimming, working on diving skills, flying down slides, racing one another and enjoying the sunshine!!