Monday, July 9, 2012

A day at adventureland

 The lucky winner!!
Part of our group -- crazy cousins!
Ben and caden
It has been a tradition in my family to enjoy a day each year at adventureland.  I remember when I was little...waking up to my Dad saying "today's the day!!" and we would awake to my Mom having our bags packed, the car loaded and off we would go to meet our cousins and ride rollercoasters, ferris wheels, tilt-a-whirls, tea cups, log rides,water slides, etc., you name it we tried it from opening to closing each and every time!! I so cherish those memories and LOVE that my kids are getting to enjoy those same rides with their cousins.....we had a great day today -- Thanks family!!!!
**** a side note about the top photo *** My children (especially Kate) are always asking me to play games at amusement parks. I usually give them the same answer each and every year (just like the answer that I heard growing up..."we are not here to play games, we are here to ride rides!") but now that allowance has entered the Cairney home, Kate chose to spend her weekly allowance playing the milk bottle game and wouldn't you know it -- SHE WON!!!  Her face was priceless, her smile a mile wide and it is a moment that I will never forget (-; Way to go Kate -- your pitching arm was great!!!  Love you..............Mom

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