Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of School

 the kids and their teachers

 Can't believe it.....5th and 2nd grade already!!!
 the annual sidewalk greeting

Summer is officially over.......and what a great one we had!! However, I must admit, I had two very excited kiddo's at this house for their first day of school. Kate is entering the 5th grade this year. Not only is she excited for this new adventure, but the big news -- her classroom has a guinea pig!!!! and we have been told that students can volunteer to take this creature home over holiday breaks....guess who is going to be putting her name on that list  (-; ???  this would lead to more humorous blog posts I am sure!  
Ben is heading into 2nd grade, and is so very excited to see more of his pals on a regular basis. He was already talking this morning of how he hoped that they were able to play football at recess, and he also mentioned that he really hoped that he did not have homework tonight!!  (-; 
Both kids have grown and changed so much over the past few months of me being home with them more. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for them both during this school year!!!  

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

I love the first day of school pictures :) They both look so excited for the year. I hope that excitement continues each and every day. Life is so good and so is God. Hope you all are enjoying your cooler weather...Fall is almost here. Love~Stephanie