Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kate's Birthday -- 11 "Golden years"

 Excited about her "K" necklace and Iowa State hat

 Aunt Nicki sent her this yummy cake with matching balloons to school for a very fun surprise!
 Celebrating with good friends Breighlyn and Sydney
 May all of your birthday wishes come true my sweet girl!
The day that Kate has been counting down for has finally arrived.  Her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY!!!!  On the night of her 10th birthday, as I was tucking her in to bed, cuddling, doing bedtime prayers and just reminding her again how much she is loved and how I so enjoy being her Mom (most days (-;)  she interrupted me in true Kate fashion with this statement..."Mom, do you know that I cannot wait to turn 11?  That will just be so awesome having my golden birthday on 10-11-12!!!"  I smiled, hugged her tight, and just begged her to please try and enjoy being 10, live in the moment for what it is, etc.,  and she just giggled, returned my hug, told me she loved me and good night!  This is all SO Kate....I just love it!
        The countdown really hit hard about a week out this Fall, her wish list began, planning to have friends over, special treats, dinner, etc.,. she had thought it all through.  We had such a fun time celebrating! Doug and I managed to decorate her bedroom and the house once again ( the kids love this tradition). I treated her to lunch that afternoon from school.  She had soccer practice that night, attended her cousins' football game and then later on that week had some friends over for dinner, a sleepover and of course had a YUMMY ice cream cake picked out by no other than the birthday girl. It was perfect!!! Thanks to you all for the wonderful gifts that you gave her and for helping her celebrate this special day.
       Kate, 11 years ago, when you were born, at a wee little 5#7oz...I had so many dreams for you. Wishes of happiness, love, success, etc .,. but mostly that God would bless you with Love in your heart and a smile that you would share with others that could light up the world! It has been such an amazing journey and an extreme privilege for me, being your Mom for the past 11 years, and I cannot wait to see what else God has planned for you.  I love you Miss Kate, Happy Golden 11th Birthday to you and many, many more!!

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