Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Mommy and the kiddo's

Ben, warming up in the van.

Kate and Mommy, getting ready to make another
run down the hill.

Silly times with Daddy

The hit of the day - "grow capsules"

By now, you have all probably received our belated Christmas letter. I hope that you enjoyed it and welcome to our blog! I really feel pressured now to keep it updated (-: My hope is that you all had a wonderful day on Thursday celebrating Christ's birth, just as we did!
Ben and Kate were both very excited on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. Miss Kate woke is at 2:30, 5, 6 and finally Daddy got up with her at 0630. She could not contain her excitement! Ben had a bit of a cough and was not feeling the best this week, so we let him sleep in a little, which was pure torture for Kate! They both loved their gifts, but the highlight of the day were the 99 cent capsules that you dissolve in warm water and then you watch what foam creatures they turn into....I tell you what - it truly is the simple things around here! Other highlights for Kate were her new HSM PJ's and a beagle webkins. Ben also enjoyed his new race track and bridges for his Thomas Train track. Doug and I loved the presents that the kids made us in school - those are always my favorite!
Then after lunch, we headed to the sledding hill and enjoyed a fun day of sledding, played some board games at home and ended our awesome day with a family movie night! We are truly blessed.....Kate and I went to Chrismas Eve church together and Pastor Mike's message was amazing as always. The church looked beautiful in candle light and then the true meaning of the season really shined through - which is, even if people are feeling down due to unemployment, the economy, poor health, etc., have to let Jesus be in your life - let his birth and all that he does for you be your "HOPE" in all of this - he loves you and will be there for you, even when you think there is no one! May God bless you all this season and throughout the New Year.

Christmas in Nebraska

Kate requested that all of us with "glasses" have a photo
taken together! Ben chose to opt out and Papa loaned a few
of his old pairs to William and Jon.

Kate, William and Jonathan working on the gingerbread house

We spent last weekend in Pender, celebrating with the Suhr's and Stoltenberg's and had a great time! The weather was a bit chilly and windy......they have so much snow there it's crazy!!!!!! Even though it was cold, we still managed to try out the new sleds that the kids received from Papa and Nanny - thanks you guys, they are so fun!!! For a new twist this year, they also decorated a gingerbread house - it turned out really cute - thanks "T" for that gift. When we got home, we were all very thankful and blessed to have traveled safely, and spent quality time with family. More fun memories were made, and I love that. Thanks again Mom and Dad for everything - we love you!!!

Kate's new look

Well, Miss Kate got glasses about 2 weeks ago. She has been doing so well adjusting to them, and states that she thinks that she can see things better with them. I think that they are perfect for her! Of course, Ben had different the office kate said, "Ben what do you think?" and he said " I think that you look weird" (-: AAUUUGGHHH the love of a brother!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First snow

Ben is really into sledding this year. Doug took the kids out last night and it sounds like they had a blast! Especially Ben.....

Kate is loving the shoveling part..let's hope this continues throughout April (:

We hope that you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving as we did. We were able to celebrate with both the Cairney's and the Suhr's during the week and weekend. Fun was had by all and the food was delicious all weekend - thanks to everyone that fed us. The Husker victory on Friday was just the icing on the cake - what a kick!!!!!
After visiting with my Grandma on Sunday afternoon we did run into some yucky driving conditions on the way home. Come to find out that West Des Moines was under a winter weather advisory.....the last 50 minutes or so were very long, but we made it safely and thanked God for watching over all of us as we traveled. Ben had a "first" on the trip. As you can all figure out when you are stuck on the interstate and you have to go "pee".......let's just be glad it wasn't Kate, because I don't think that little water bottle that we had would have really worked for her. He of course thought that was pretty cool! Perfect for a 4 year old boy.....
The kids were excited with all of the snow here. It was a beautiful day here today, in the 40's, but sounds like more is on the way for tonight and tomorrow.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Weekend in Minnesota

The kids and I headed up to Lonsdale, Minnesota this weekend to visit the Velarde family. They are all doing great, it was wonderful seeing them, but it was way too cold there! Only 10-15 degrees difference, but I was not ready for that change. The kids enjoyed playing games, trains, chess, chasing each other around and Ben especially loved the wrestling time with Isaiah and Lucas! Thanks again for everything Anibal and Becky - we love you all!
Looks like a busy week ahead with school activities for Kate (book fairs, book club, pancake dinner and of course the most important - "parent teacher conferences" on Thursday night). We will keep you updated on how that all goes - have a great week!

Kitchen remodel

the above two photos are the new tops

the old green and creme laminate tops

The latest of the "projects" at the Cairney house is partially completed. The tile backsplash is not on yet, but here are some before and after shots of the new counter tops if any of you are interested. I absolutely love it and can't believe the difference that it makes! Aunt Stef, thanks again for all of your thoughts and opinions - I really appreciated it! and to Doug - for all of your hard work under that horrible corner sink for the past 4 days - you are the best!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ben and Mommy at the preschool party

"Hannah" and power ranger, ready to hit the streets

The kids had a fun time trick or treating on Thursday night, "Beggars night " here in Iowa. The weather was perfect. Ben was a power ranger and Kate, Hannah Montana. We had about 85 trick or treaters.
This weekend was pretty low key for us, just enjoyed the beautiul Fall weather! Have a great week everyone. Love, Keri

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another birthday celebration

Wil, Ben, Kate and Jon with the awesome pumpkins that Nanny created - they are too cute!

Had another great weekend of birthday celebrating at the Cairney house. Ben turned 4 on Saturday while we were in Pender for the weekend with the Suhr's. We had a wonderful time! The weather was perfect and it was just fun being all together. I think that Ben especially loved his birthday morning pancakes at Popo's. Thank-you Papa and Nanny Suhr for all of the hospitality. Spending time with the Stoltenberg boys is always a highlight for Ben and Kate too.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday weekend

Thanks for the cool hat and Thomas trains Cairney West

Ben love, love, loved his baseball cake Grandma Cairney - thank you!!

As did Kate her Cubs hat cake! They were all delicious

A cool pyramid with the "J" boys and good friend Kassi Kommes

Well, Miss Kate turned 7 yesterday and had a great day! Seven years has gone so quick it scares me! She woke up at 0600 way tooooo EXCITED about her day....I tried to talk her into cuddling with me and sleeping a bit more, but no go! So, her and daddy got up and played some yahtzee. We had some family and friends over to help celebrate. Just like I posted about a few weeks ago, the sense of "community" was awesome and we all had wonderful day. We were blessed with perfect weather too........and for those of you that were not able to be here, or whom have not seen me this weekend, I have lost my voice. Now, I know what you are thinking......what an awesome thing for Doug right??? WRONG.....he thought it was going to be great, but now he is having to answer the phone, call people for me, etc.,.,,,,, hee, hee, hee, haa, haa, haa..I think that I have heard "wow, it sure is quiet" around here way to much in the past 72 hours.......hopefully it comes back soon, I otherwise feel fine. But if any of you were wondering why I did not call and chat this weekend, that is why! Maybe I am going to come out of this a much quieter, introverted person???? I guess we will have to wait and see.....
Many more birthdays to my sweetie pie "Sissy". Thanks for making me a mom!
I love you -- XOXOXO

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Kate and Ben trying out some halloween costumes with our good friend Chris.....I loved these, but for now they have a power ranger and Hannah Montana in mind. Too Cute - may you all never look at your condiments the same way again!
Ben with good friends Lauren and Mikayla at the park. We had a picnic last week with some preschool friends, and it was great finally getting to meet all of the little people that he talks about.
Here's Kate, getting ready for her shower...just had to get a photo of her big weekend news...lost another tooth. That makes "8" for her, pretty crazy! She gets very excited and was pumped about her tooth fairy $$$$$$$
We spent the weekend celebrating with some friends for Brian Wilson's 40th birthday....a very fun evening, and is was great seeing everyone! Way to go with the surprise Chris.
Today was another phenominal sermon series on those of you that are interested, you could down load the sermon from the church website - I highly recommend it! It really makes you cherish your spouse, realizing that they are a gift from God and what a blessing marriage you Doug! Thanks for always putting up with me and my crazy antics!
This afternoon we headed to Indianola to watch our nephew Jack Jensen play some football - great game Jack and way to go Chargers!
Have a super week, many more birthdays Wilson!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last day in September

Wow, I can't believe that today is the last day of September......where has the month gone! I absolutely love, love, love the Fall though. Everything about it: the smells, the crispness in the air, the delicious apple desserts (-; the beautiful fall foilage in the trees, and of course Kate and Ben's birthdays approaching! They are counting down the days, especially Kate. After we walked Kate to school this morning, Ben and I headed to the zoo. We had a marvelous time. His favorite parts were listening to the sea lions make "burping" sounds, and listening to the lions "ROAR"! (Is he a boy or what?) Since hearing Pastor Molly's sermon on Sunday, I have been thinking alot about the message. It was about being in fellowship and community with one another. And not just for the sake of being together because we have to be, but truly enjoying one another. Just as Jesus commands us to do. Completely authentic and real relationships.......ones that I strive to maintain with all of you! For those of you that I haven't seen in awhile, I pray for you & miss you, but know that when we do get to spend some time together, hopefully soon, that I will love each and every minute of it! I hope that this message finds all of you "getting real", living for the little things that God blesses us with in every minute of our lives. Have a great October! Love, Keri

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Camping in the backyard

Sissy and bro-bro

Mommy, Ben and JB (puppy)

Having a little fun with marshmallows...

What a beautiful weekend! Kate decided that she thought it would be fun to sleep in the tent this weekend, so Daddy was very kind and set it all up. Saturday we got all of our blankets, pillows, puppies, books, and the lantern and we headed out as dusk was approaching. Kate especially loved reading stories in the dark with the lantern. She said that it reminded her of Laura Ingalls (-: ANYWAY - Ben was really pumped, but was the first one to crash. As the minutes ticked by, and the dampness of the cool evening weather crept in, Kate's poor little nose became more and more stuffy, the coughing began and her allergies really started to bother her. SO, she headed back in around 9:30.......Of course, there was Benny, sound asleep, and for those of you that know him, you know the disappointment that he would have displayed if he would have woken up in the house this morning. Therefore, I headed back out to enjoy an evening of cuddling with the little guy, and spent most of the night watching him sleep peacefully. The look on his face this morning when he woke up was priceless. First he started with "Hey, where did sissy go?" and then "I slept out side all night with the crickets and I was not afraid! " too cute - gotta love that kid.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

San Francisco Vacation

Alcatraz Island

Golden Gate Bridge

Celie, Stef, Suz, Lynne and I enjoying our champagne at Korbel

some fruits of the vine at Kendall Jackson

the largest redwood in the forest!

I hope that this post finds all of you doing well. I spent all of last week in San Francisco, CA with the Cairney women and had a fabulous time. There are many wonderful things to see and do. Some of our favorite moments were spent on our wine tour/tasting of the Russian River Valley in Sonoma County (delicious wines.......and beautiful landscaped countryside). I am very excited for our first shipment of wines to arrive next month! Walking across Golden Gate bridge, hiking in a redwood forest, touring Alcatraz prison and other fun sites around the city, relaxing in the sunshine, watching movies, chatting, laughing, eating.......AAAAHHHHH, what memories we made! Thanks to Celie for arranging the trip. It was awesome!!!!!! and also a special thanks to all of the Cairney men, the Jensen men, and Papa and Nanny Suhr for holding down the forts while we were all gone - you guys are the best!

Now it's back to the regular and preschool for the kids is going well. Soccer is keeping us busy during the week with practices and weekend games for Kate. That is fun for all of us. Tomorrow morning she starts chess club at school and is super pumped about that!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ben's first day of preschool

A good luck hug from Daddy before work while finishing off his waffles!

Look out New Horizons preschool, here comes Ben Cairney! Doesn't he look great? Just a quick pose before his first day with the new bag that he was very proud of, note the baseball stickers. (-: He was a bit timid at drop off, but all smiles! I kept smiling too, until I got out to the van......just a few tears, then off to Target I went. Two and a half hours of errands went by so quick!

Ben and his teacher, Mrs. Bleeker...she said that he had a great day. He was very excited to tell us about painting with race cars, singing songs, his cupcake snack, and the fun he had on the playground. Sounded like a wonderful first day. I can't really believe that he is in preschool already...where has the past 4 years gone???

As if today wasn't a big enough day.......tonight, we headed downtown to prepare and package food with Meals from the Heartland at Hy-vee hall. Thanks Randy, Max, Cousin Joey, Uncle Jim, Aunt Stef, Papa and Grandma Cairney for helping us. In about 2 hours, we made over 600 meals for kids that are hungry! What an amazing and awesome thing...God is working miracles through all of the Des Moines metro with this project. The goal is to feed over 3 million kids. We are just so glad that we were able to lend a hand. The kids did great! Here we are in our bonnets.......

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kaleb, Ben and Kate with Cubby bear

Kaleb and Kate

Labor Day Weekend

A little "volcano"science experiment in the kitchen

Good hit Kate!

Four little scientists - with the volcanic eruptions

Kate, Ben, William and Jon

Ben and Daddy at the game on Monday

We had such a great weekend! The Stoltenberg family visited from Grand Island. The Cairney house was very excited for their arrival and fun was had by all. Kate and Ben were "pumped" (as Aunt Nicki always says) to play with Wil and Jon for 3 days.....and to have them all sleep over! Time was spent at dinner downtown and an I-Cubs game on a gorgeous Saturday night, church and the Clive aquatic center on Sunday for one last swim of the season, and Holiday Park baseball fields for some family ball games multiple times throughout the weekend. We were blessed with beautiful weather and safe travels for all!

Then this afternoon, we were invited to another I-Cubs game. That was the perfect way to end a wonderful weekend. Thanks again Clarke family!

Back to school for Kate and to preparing Ben for his first big day of preschool on Wednesday...I know that he is excited deep down (-: We will get his bag decorated tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First Day of school

Kate in front of school - our first day in 1st grade was wonderful! She woke up at 0615, saying that she was just too excited to sleep anymore. A quick hug and then she was off. She told me that she did not even need me to walk her in the room, but I talked her into it. (-: When Ben and I picked her up at 3 o'clock, she looked exhausted, but was SO excited to tell us about her day. It sounded like she had a great time! I am going to miss her smiling little face all day......I asked Ben if he was missing sissy at lunch and he answered with a prompt "NO" - oh, the wonderful love shared between a brother and sister.

My first day of school was awesome. I love school! kate