Friday, August 7, 2009

I-Cubs game and Yankees season finale

The team photo - Ben is bottom left

One last - GO YANKEES!!!!!

Ben, Daddy, and Kate at the I-cubs

Everybody, put your hands in......I just love this view of their little bodies all together!
The Yankees season came to a close last night and Ben had such a great time. I would say that his major highlights were his phenominal hustling in the outfield for all the balls, trying to switch hit, sliding into home plate and his love of the game! We really enjoyed getting to watch him this season, and it was fun to meet some new friends. A funny story from one of the "treat" nights is that he received a twin pack of twinkies one evening. Ben has never had a twinkie that I am aware of and appears to have never seen them before either. Anyway, he comes running toward me, very excited to show me what he got..." Mommy, look at my snack!" He then pauses, looks up after examing the package for a few seconds and states, "What is this? It looks like 2 yellow hotdogs!" Too cute!!!
Mr. Ben has been really making us laugh around here lately with his crazy statements. Like this one for instance a few weeks ago. I was getting the van packed up after the Cairney golf tournament. He was waiting for me out in the van. As I opened the door, I noticed a peculiar sent in the air, looked at him, and he proceeded to say, "Mom, I do NOT, know what is going on out here in this van, but I think that it smells like someone needs to go in and go POOP!!!"
He then giggled and I could not help but chuckle myself.
Here is a Kate story for you. For those of you that know sissy well, you know that she can be a bit ditzy at times.....we love her for that. We were going to church and I said, "get your shoes on and hop in the van, time to go!"....Now, at ages almost 5 and 8, I did not think that it was still necessary to check, but when we got to church I opened Kate's door to help her out. She then screamed "Oh no, I forgot shoes!" Her face was priceless....thank goodness for piggy back rides and an awesome church that let's us worship shoeless!!! We love you Kate - bare toes and all!!!

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