Friday, August 7, 2009


Nanny, Kate, Ben and Papa Suhr

Papa can make these kiddo's laugh so hard! I just love it.....

Look how tall the corn is by Papa's house!

Papa's neighbor is very kind to share her trampoline while we are there
visiting - they both love to jump. Kate and Ben had so much fun while they were
in Pender. The highlights were eating at Popo's (dinner, ice cream, and of course PANCAKES!),
going to the library, riding bikes, running around town, going to the pool, feeding the donkeys, playing at the park, & mostly, quality time with Papa and Nanny Suhr. They just love visiting them. It was a very special week for all of them with many wonderful memories made - thanks again Mom and Dad for keeping them! We love you both XOXOXOXOX -- Keri

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