Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kate turns 8

Getting her yearly measurement - looks like she has grown 1 1/2 inches since last year

Kate and her balloons

Doing the skating limbo

Friends: Abigail, Breighlyn, Kate and Kaitlyn

blowing out her waffle candles before church

Miss Kate had a wonderful birthday today. As I sit hear and look at the clock on the computer it is exactly 8:34 pm....the exact time of her birth eight years ago. Doug and I had no idea of the amount of joy that little 5# 7oz peanut would bring us.....watching her grow for the past 8 years has been such a privilege for us as parents. We should have known that it would be hard to keep her on task with routines since she arrived 4 weeks before her due date. Sure, at times, we just want to scream when we have told her for the 100th time to do something, but then just have to laugh as she smiles and says "Oh yeah......that's what I was supposed to be doing!" For those of you that know her, I am sure that is very familiar. We have seen her fall completely in love with reading, riding her bike, spending time with friends & family (even her little brother), eating (-: , and most of all just being Kate and hanging out!
Today, she chose to take 9 girls skating and we had a great time - I couldn't decide who was having more fun, me or the girls as times. They all did so well, and were such a joy to be with for the afternoon.
Tonight, Kate picked pizza for her birthday dinner and then it was an early bedtime for all due to pure exhaustion of the fantastic day. Thank you all for the birthday greetings, gifts and well wishes for the day - we thank God for Miss Kate each and every day. We love you very much sweetie girl - I hope that you had a wonderful birthday - Many More!
Love, Mommy XOXOXO

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

Happy Birthday Kate! She is such a doll and it looks like she had an awesome birthday. What a gift from God she is to you and to everyone who knows her.