Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of School - 2010

Best wishes surprise greeting for the kids this morning!

Miss Kate - ready for 3rd grade!
Ben - Kindergarten bound!!!

Look out Fairmeadows Elementary - here we come!
Well, the day that I thought I had been dreading for 5 years came and went this morning, with more ease than I ever would have imagined. Ben went to Kindergarten, meaning that I no longer have any kids left here at home with me during the day! I remember Kate's first day of Kindergarten. Being very emotional, really feeling those heart strings get a firm tug, getting teary eyed at school, but then realizing this was an exciting era that we were beginning for her at school and at the Cairney house. Now I would have the 1:1 time with Ben that Kate and I had enjoyed before his arrival! And enjoyed we did......for the past 3 years, Mr. Ben and I have laughed, cried, kissed "owies", snuggled, played at the park, ran around the bases at the baseball fields 100's of times, enjoyed the zoo, science center, picnic lunches, story times, raced cars, shot baskets, read stories, and everything else we felt like doing!!!! I will cherish these moments always, and hope that he will too, but today, when we walked to school hand in hand, I couldn't have felt more proud of him and the little guy that he is becoming.
The kids both woke up so excited for their day, and Miss Kate made it clear to me that I did not need to walk her to her room (I did not think this request would come until at least 6th or 7th grade )-: ) Anyway, Ben looked up at me and said, "You can walk me in Mom..." - thanks buddy, mommy needed that. We walked into the room, I watched him get his bag into his cubby without any problems, unpack his papers, and then he asked me "Why are there tears in your eyes Mom?" I just said, "Ben, it's just because they are happy tears. My heart is so full of them for how proud I am of you my boy, and they don't know where else to go??". He just smiled, gave me a big hug and off he went to his desk! I then walked by Kate's room, got her attention at the door, and she gave me a wave, and out the door I went.
It was such a beautiful morning here in West Des Moines.... a perfect time for me to walk home, think about how blessed I am and thank-God for the amazing little people that he put in my life.
The rest of my morning was spent over tea and snacks with my dear friend Chris - whom I just do not get to spend enough time with any more! Thanks again old girl - this morning was exactly what I needed!!!
From both kids, it sounds like they had an awesome first day, and can't wait to go back tomorrow!!!!!

1 comment:

Paulson 5 said...

Why to you have to make me cry with your sweet way with words! What a beautiful note you wrote about the first day of school. This is definitely a new chapter for you all and very bittersweet. You sure do have two awesome kids. God bless you all~The Paulson Family