Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow day -- February 2, 2011

We had a "little" blizzard here in West Des Moines yesterday and last night.....therefore, school was called off for today! The kids and I spent the morning in our jammies, watching movies, playing.....then the afternoon the kids and I went for a little walk around the block and they spent a few hours outside. It was COLD -- but they had a great time building forts, giggling, and just enjoying being together. They stayed hidden long enough to bomb Daddy when he arrived home and were both so very excited about that (-: It's just the little things in life isn't it?? Like my friend Stephanie was sharing with me just this week.....take the time in life with people, kids, etc.,... just make more time for "time" with each will never regret not getting the dishes/laundry done, but you will regret not making that snow angel, playing games, snuggling just "5 more minutes" etc.,. My wish for you all is that you just make a little more "time" special with those you LOVE!!!!

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