Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

Papa Cairney, Doug, Ben & Kate

It was a busy weekend around the Cairney house last weekend. I had a wedding to attend on Saturday, Doug golfed with his brothers, one of his favorite Uncle's (-; and some good friends back home to support JDRF. The kids had a very fun day with Papa and Grandma Cairney. It started out for them at the zoo that morning, exploring the new dinosaur exhibit and all of the other fun things that they discovered. Then it was back to Indianola for matinee movie, a few holes of golf, yummy cookies, reading books, playing games, watching the Cubs and just enjoying some time together with Papa & Grandma. After church on Sunday, they brought the kids back up to West Des Moines to have brunch with us. What a great way to start out our day! Brunch with 2 of the 3 best Dad's that I know!!

The kids were excited to show Doug the cards they had made, his new lunch box, and a few new shirts for his special day! We went to the ball park for a while, went swimming, played at the park, and in my opinion, Doug worked WAY too hard out in the yard that afternoon!!! Lucky for him, everyday is like Father's Day around this house (-:

All kidding aside, I am always so thankful for everything that Doug does to help me, the kids and just by showing all of us how much he loves being a Dad -- Happy Father's Day my dear!!! We love you -- XOXOX

PS -- even though I was not able to be with my Dad on Sunday, we were able to chat on the phone for awhile and are looking forward to a trip home this weekend to get our hugs in! He is also another amazing man that we are blessed with to have as a Father, Father-in-law, and Papa in our lives!!

Backyard Camp--out

Kate was SO excited -- double thumbs up!!
All smiles, getting ready to get our PJ's on, and gather our flashlights & boardgames

a very intense game of SORRY!!!

All zipped up, ready for lights out!

The kids, especially Miss Kate, have been waiting for weeks for our "tent"night in the backyard. Last Wednesday night we finally had a small break from the rain and decided to head out. Daddy was so kind in helping us get the tents set up. That only took a few minutes, then the fun began of gathering all of our blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, stuffed animals, games, lanterns, flashlights, books, etc.,.,. You would think that we were packing for a weekend! It was a fun evening outdoors, we stayed awake playing SORRY and reading until almost 1100, then it was lights out. I slept with Ben in one tent and Kate in the other and they did great! Not a peep out of either of them until almost 0730 the next morning. I did not think that was too bad considering the morning songs that the birds began around 5, and neighbors leaving for work. I woke up a little after 5, feeling quite stiff, very sleepy, but trying to just enjoy the moment of knowing how much fun the kids had..... how it won't be long until they are not wanting to stay up late with us and "sleep in tents", and just truly treasuring the simple things in life for what they are......a beautiful sunrise, the birds singing, and looking at their little faces, sound asleep. We are so very blessed!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Dinner with friends

I mean really......who wears goggles in a hot tub??
Of course...Kate and Ben - they had a blast playing in the hot tub while the adults attempted to get a few words of conversation in and stay dry!

The Cairney family was very excited to be having dinner with our neighbors Dave and Laurie last weekend. The food and wine was delicious, BUT nothing holds a candle to just how enjoyable it is getting to spend time with them. So often in a neighborhood, people just drive in, open their garage doors, pull the car in, close the door, and that is it! You may get an occasional wave, a hello, but not really get to KNOW one another, not experience life together!! Ever since they moved in, we have loved hearing their laughter, watching them raise their kids, play with their dogs (whom we love dearly by the way!!)exchange cookies, borrow pantry items, share life experiences...etc.,.etc.,. I could go on & on!! Thank-you Johnson's for the wisdom that you share, the hugs that you are always willing to give, the smiles on your faces, and mostly, for just being you!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


celebrating with the birthday song and candles of course!
My balloons and flowers - the kids were so excited to surprise me!

What an amazing weekend of celebrating my birthday I have had! So many things to be thankful for......plenty of good wishes, songs, cards, gifts, dinner with friends, quality time with family, the list goes on and on!!! Thank-you all for thinking of me/loving me and making me feel very special on this "38th" anniversary of my birth!!

Kindergarten Graduation -- Ben

Mrs. Samuelson's class (Ben is in the Marlin's shirt - middle)

Good pals - Zoey and Zarah

Best teachers ever!! -- Mrs. Slusinski and Mrs. Samuelson

enjoying his picnic lunch with good buddy Elliott

What a bitter sweet day it was for Mr. Ben last Monday. His last day of Kindergarten was met with a few tearful moments (and not all by me if you all are wondering... (-: ) For the last few weeks, when Kate would often discuss how excited she was for the last day of school, how much anticipation she was having for the upcoming year of 4th grade, summer plans, etc.,. Ben would often just look down, not have much to say, and quietly add , "I don't want Kindergarten to be over....." Often at bedtime when we would be reflecting on his day, the fun times at recess, various workstations, and memories shared with friends....he would get tearful saying that he was really going to miss his friends, teachers, etc.,., Is this a Mom's dream or what??

I reminded his teacher of what she had said at our first in home visit after 2 weeks of school last Fall. She had said, "Ben is such a bright kid, so willing to learn, a great listener, etc...,., BUT, when do you think he is going to start talking to me??" I had assured her that he would come around, just give him a little more time. It just makes my heart smile knowing how much he has enjoyed this past year at school. Ben has become such a leader among his friends, known as a "friend to everyone", always willing to lend a helping hand, offer suggestions, and to quote his teacher "you just make everyone around you feel good!" That is such a special gift to have Ben and Daddy and I could not agree more!! We are so very proud of you buddy -- congratulations on an amazing year of Kindergarten -- XOXOX -- Mommy

Cairney Weekend - Memorial Day

Aunt Dawn & Cassie
Nick, Grant, Ben & Elly

Aunt Suzy, Grandma, Zach & Kate - taking a time out from cards to pose for a pic

Uncle Jeff, Jack & I - don't these guys look great in their matching shirts!!!

Over Memorial Day weekend we were so very blessed to have been able to spend some time with all of the Cairney's. With 21 of us in attendance it was a great day!! It had been over a year since we have all been able to get together. The kids are all growing up so much, getting busy with athletics, jobs, work schedules, etc.,., these days may become increasing harder to come by. As always, Dick and Celie treated us to some delicious food and drinks. We entertained ourselves with games of tag, card games, spoons, basketball, taking walks, catching up on the latest happenings in our homes, etc.,..

This weekend we also took the time to remember those loved ones of ours that are not here with us any longer....although we miss them...we take comfort in knowing they were celebrating together this weekend in Heaven!!!