Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Backyard Camp--out

Kate was SO excited -- double thumbs up!!
All smiles, getting ready to get our PJ's on, and gather our flashlights & boardgames

a very intense game of SORRY!!!

All zipped up, ready for lights out!

The kids, especially Miss Kate, have been waiting for weeks for our "tent"night in the backyard. Last Wednesday night we finally had a small break from the rain and decided to head out. Daddy was so kind in helping us get the tents set up. That only took a few minutes, then the fun began of gathering all of our blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, stuffed animals, games, lanterns, flashlights, books, etc.,.,. You would think that we were packing for a weekend! It was a fun evening outdoors, we stayed awake playing SORRY and reading until almost 1100, then it was lights out. I slept with Ben in one tent and Kate in the other and they did great! Not a peep out of either of them until almost 0730 the next morning. I did not think that was too bad considering the morning songs that the birds began around 5, and neighbors leaving for work. I woke up a little after 5, feeling quite stiff, very sleepy, but trying to just enjoy the moment of knowing how much fun the kids had..... how it won't be long until they are not wanting to stay up late with us and "sleep in tents", and just truly treasuring the simple things in life for what they are......a beautiful sunrise, the birds singing, and looking at their little faces, sound asleep. We are so very blessed!!!

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