Sunday, June 12, 2011

Cairney Weekend - Memorial Day

Aunt Dawn & Cassie
Nick, Grant, Ben & Elly

Aunt Suzy, Grandma, Zach & Kate - taking a time out from cards to pose for a pic

Uncle Jeff, Jack & I - don't these guys look great in their matching shirts!!!

Over Memorial Day weekend we were so very blessed to have been able to spend some time with all of the Cairney's. With 21 of us in attendance it was a great day!! It had been over a year since we have all been able to get together. The kids are all growing up so much, getting busy with athletics, jobs, work schedules, etc.,., these days may become increasing harder to come by. As always, Dick and Celie treated us to some delicious food and drinks. We entertained ourselves with games of tag, card games, spoons, basketball, taking walks, catching up on the latest happenings in our homes, etc.,..

This weekend we also took the time to remember those loved ones of ours that are not here with us any longer....although we miss them...we take comfort in knowing they were celebrating together this weekend in Heaven!!!

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