Sunday, June 12, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation -- Ben

Mrs. Samuelson's class (Ben is in the Marlin's shirt - middle)

Good pals - Zoey and Zarah

Best teachers ever!! -- Mrs. Slusinski and Mrs. Samuelson

enjoying his picnic lunch with good buddy Elliott

What a bitter sweet day it was for Mr. Ben last Monday. His last day of Kindergarten was met with a few tearful moments (and not all by me if you all are wondering... (-: ) For the last few weeks, when Kate would often discuss how excited she was for the last day of school, how much anticipation she was having for the upcoming year of 4th grade, summer plans, etc.,. Ben would often just look down, not have much to say, and quietly add , "I don't want Kindergarten to be over....." Often at bedtime when we would be reflecting on his day, the fun times at recess, various workstations, and memories shared with friends....he would get tearful saying that he was really going to miss his friends, teachers, etc.,., Is this a Mom's dream or what??

I reminded his teacher of what she had said at our first in home visit after 2 weeks of school last Fall. She had said, "Ben is such a bright kid, so willing to learn, a great listener, etc...,., BUT, when do you think he is going to start talking to me??" I had assured her that he would come around, just give him a little more time. It just makes my heart smile knowing how much he has enjoyed this past year at school. Ben has become such a leader among his friends, known as a "friend to everyone", always willing to lend a helping hand, offer suggestions, and to quote his teacher "you just make everyone around you feel good!" That is such a special gift to have Ben and Daddy and I could not agree more!! We are so very proud of you buddy -- congratulations on an amazing year of Kindergarten -- XOXOX -- Mommy

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