Friday, July 8, 2011

20 year Alumni - Dinner & Parade

Keri, Cory, David, Marty, Reed & Jen
Jen -- enjoying a quick soak now that the ballons are gone!

Julia, Cory, Matt, Daniel, Jen & I

Armed and dangerous -- Daniel, Jenny, Jennifer, Marty and Matt

Cory, Jen, Krista, Julia, and Kevin

The weekend in Pender wraps up with a parade on Sunday every year. Our class had decided to get T-shirts printed and have a water toys (guns & ballons)/candy float and we had a BLAST!!! Thanks to my Dad who pulled us, Kate (whom rode shot-gun with Papa and tossed some tootsie rolls), Matt & Krista for providing the float and decorations, Doug for providing the drinks, Jen the candy & t-shirts, and Julia the balloons, it all came together for a great way to finish out the celebration. I am sure that a few people along the parade route got more wet than they had planned, but it was hot right???

1 comment:

Julia Peavy said...

Parade was the best part!