Thursday, August 25, 2011

Iowa State Fair

Enjoying the morning at the Fair
The biggest pumpkin 1,295# -- WOW!

To start off our week of vacation, we spent Sunday morning at the Fair. We all decided to go, even though I offered Doug the "out" for the day (-: He was a great sport, and at times, even appeared to enjoy himself! The weather was absolutely perfect, our choice of treats delicious (cheese curds, a hot beef mashed potato sundae, a hot dog, ice cream/cookie sandwiches, and a salted nut roll) and all of the fun events that the Fair has to offer. Tops for the kids was the farrowing barn with all of the baby animals, the horse show, the butter cow, the biggest boar, the biggest pumpkin (who would have guessed that this would end up weighing more than the boar by about 100#??) - CRAZY! and of course all of the tattoo's in the varied industries building. Kate and I have decided that for some reason, her and I LOVE the fair and everything about it, so next year, we will just make it a "girls" outing! With the boys doing something else that they love that day (:

As we were leaving Doug managed to completely crack me up, as he often does with his charming wit. The kids were saying "thanks for taking us, thanks for the treats, etc.,.etc.,. and Doug says, "Mommy, really what we should be thanking you the most for is for letting us leave!!!!" -- Just love that guy!!!

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