Saturday, August 27, 2011

VBS - 2011 - Wild for Jesus!!!!

Sporting the new t-shirts
We thought it was so cool that there was a "tiger" jeep on stage!

the countdown for closing

I know that we had VBS in July - but I could not forget to post a few comments regarding how much we enjoyed our Wild for Jesus week. Every year, I think to myself, "this was just the best year ever" and then the next year, I feel the same way. I was able to help shephard a few of the days and I always get so much out of seeing the Holy Spirit just fill those 2,000+ kids up each and every day. Just them hearing over and over how much God loves them immediately puts a HUGE smile on their little faces, and watching them jump, sing, dance, and yell at the top of their lungs about how much they love him just totally gets to me! At closing each night, we sang the song "We believe" and the tears were just rolling down my cheeks as I stopped and looked around the room at all of the children --- singing their hearts out to the "One true GOD" - the energy in the room was so intense! The themes for the week were: Thank God, Follow God, Trust God, Believe God and LOVE GOD -- which is what we all strive to do each and every day.

In case you are all wondering, Kate and Ben had an amazing time too!! (-: They especially love watching the "big guys/gals" dance, sing and praise with all of them -- that is totally COOL!!! Thanks Hope for another fantastic week of VBS - you guys are amazing!!!

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