Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of School Happenings

 Chess Team Tournament awards
"King Ben"
The end of the school year was celebrated for Kate and Ben in many different ways. There was an awards presentation for the entire school which the kids both love. In the 1st grade, Ben's teacher did an ABC countdown to the end of the year starting the last week of April going until June 1st. On this particular day "Q" Queen and King Day, they made crowns.
 Both kids have loved school so much this year. In true Kate fashion, she is already counting down the days until 5th grade starts. Ben on the other hand is savoring each and every last moment of 1st grade, ending the day often reminiscing of the fun that he has had this year, and with a tear in his eye saying "I am really going to miss 1st grade Mom"  Each kiddo, unique in their own way -- Dad and I are so very proud of all of your accomplishments this past year, FANTASTIC job!!!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

 My favorite girl - sweet and CRAZY!!!
 A close up of my pot holder and colorful art
My two favorite kids that make being a MOM so amazing!!
My Mother's Day was wonderful. The kids were very excited to give me my gifts and as always...the homemade creations from them are my absolute favorite.  Kate had been working hard on her yarn creation, (even finishing it up in the car secretly on the way to Omaha (-; ) and made her colorful sun at school.  I love them both KATE and being your Mom is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thank-you for always being the sunshine in my day, the crazy & fun loving, heart warming girl that you are......I Love you so much Miss Kate!!!!    XOXOX  --- Mom

Mother's Day

 Gifts from my best boy!
 My "Mom" poster and book
 The most beautiful "tissue flower" ever!
All of you that know Ben, know how "tenderhearted" he is. On Mother's Day -- it really seems to shine, which as his Mom, just makes my heart melt.  He was SO very excited to present his gifts that he could not wait until Sunday. I got them right after work on Friday.  They were all amazing, but I would have to say that the book was my absolute favorite. Inside were descriptions of me, drawings of me, why he thinks I'm special, my "favorite things" list, and a sweet letter which I will cherish forever -- I love you my dear Benny boy, thank you for making this day and every day so special -- I am honored and blessed to be called your "Mom" --- XOXO

Family pictures

 Gramma Cairney...a very special Mom, Mother-in-law, and Gramma -- how blessed we were to get to celebrate Mother's Day together!
 Two very CRAZY kids that I love so much!!!
The blessings that I thank God for each day

Nick's Graduation (a.k.a. a HUGE Mother's Day party)

 The Cairney cousins' (minus Joey - baseball bat, Jack - basketball, and Drew - football) with the first official "Cairney cousin graduate"
 Kate, my silly girl, sporting her own version of a graduation cap made of rings
 Ben, Zach, Nick and Kate -- loving the smiles on these guys! I was teasing Ben how the white ring on Nick's t-shirt made him look like such an "angel" in this photo!
The kids enjoying some football in Uncle Brian and Aunt Suzy's backyard.

The oldest Cairney nephew, cousin, grandson,  officially known as Nicholas Stephan Cairney, graduated from high school on Mother's Day.   He is known as "Nick" to most of us, but is now among the ranks of high school alumni, forging on to exploring the world of college in a few months.  While celebrating Easter together we were chatting about this upcoming event, how excited I was to be part of it and just how much I love parties!!  In true Cairney man fashion, I was getting the vibe from him that he really was not into having a party, did not quite understand the need for the lengthy list of guests, food/beverage preparations, cake/dessert options, etc.,.,   I then suggested to him "Why don't we just call this a Mother's Day party, and then the pressure will be completely off of you as being the focus of the day". He smiled that amazing smile of his and just laughed, but for the weeks leading up to this blessed event, when any reference has been made, that is what I called it, and it was one of the BEST Mother's Day celebrations that I have ever been to.
 The morning began with celebrating Commencement Mass together.  After hearing Nick's teachers, priests, and class leaders speak about how those 58 young men had grown, established friendships, bonds and memories over the past 4 years together, it causes us to reflect on this as being such a time and sense of community for them all, that would keep them together forever as members of the class of 2012.  I could not help but think of my own graduation while sitting there, and how blessed I am with being from such a small community. There is just nothing like it. 
 After the ceremony we attended the luncheon at school, toured the campus, and then headed back to the house for a very fun afternoon of celebrating Mother's Day with an occasional graduation wish in there too!!  (-;
Nick, we are all so very excited for you as you begin this next journey in life -- you will LOVE college....what an amazing time in your life!!  As Dr. Seuss would say...." And will you succeed?? YES!!! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!! your name Buxbaum or Bixby or Bray or Mordecai Ali Van Allen O'Shea, you're off to Great Places!!! Today is your day Nick!! Your mountain is waiting. SO......get on your way!!!!!  May God continue to bless you Nick -- we love you and are so very proud of you and all of your accomplishments!!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Papa and Nanny visit for the weekend

 Kate and Nanny working on their "freezer bag meal"
 3 generations of Suhr/Breitbarth ladies (-:
 Kate, Papa and Ben at the sculpture park impersonating one of the "lumpy heads" (actually termed as MOONRISE east, as being meditations of the Man on the Moon) -- too funny! I was laughing so hard at this I could barely take their picture!!!
 my personal favorite in the park.....I just love the little smile on this child....too bad I could not keep my eyes open.
 Nanny and Kate inside of the 3 story Nomade made of letters
 my long haired boy -- skinned knees and all -- in true "boy" fashion
 this gives you an idea of how HUGE the Nomade is, definitely one of our favorite's
Not for sure on the title of this piece.....but "kids at play" would be perfect don't you think?

Papa and Nanny Suhr came over for a visit and we had such a great time.  It was decided after they left that 2 days was not long enough!  Saying good-bye this time seemed extra hard too  )-;  Over the weekend they were able to take in Ben's baseball game and Kate's soccer match both so the kids were SUPER excited for this.  On Saturday afternoon I hosted a Wildree Freezer Meal workshop at my house -- which was a BLAST!  Thanks again Mom for all of your help with the preparations for this. Then that night we headed downtown for dinner and enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Pappajohn sculpture park.  We love it there and we were so very excited to share it with Papa and Nanny.  Sunday morning we enjoyed some awesome family time playing games, giggling ALOT, going on walks, making pancakes and cherishing our time together before they left.  I just love these visits.....come back soon Mom and Dad (Nanny and Papa)-- we love you both!!!!