Sunday, May 6, 2012

Papa and Nanny visit for the weekend

 Kate and Nanny working on their "freezer bag meal"
 3 generations of Suhr/Breitbarth ladies (-:
 Kate, Papa and Ben at the sculpture park impersonating one of the "lumpy heads" (actually termed as MOONRISE east, as being meditations of the Man on the Moon) -- too funny! I was laughing so hard at this I could barely take their picture!!!
 my personal favorite in the park.....I just love the little smile on this child....too bad I could not keep my eyes open.
 Nanny and Kate inside of the 3 story Nomade made of letters
 my long haired boy -- skinned knees and all -- in true "boy" fashion
 this gives you an idea of how HUGE the Nomade is, definitely one of our favorite's
Not for sure on the title of this piece.....but "kids at play" would be perfect don't you think?

Papa and Nanny Suhr came over for a visit and we had such a great time.  It was decided after they left that 2 days was not long enough!  Saying good-bye this time seemed extra hard too  )-;  Over the weekend they were able to take in Ben's baseball game and Kate's soccer match both so the kids were SUPER excited for this.  On Saturday afternoon I hosted a Wildree Freezer Meal workshop at my house -- which was a BLAST!  Thanks again Mom for all of your help with the preparations for this. Then that night we headed downtown for dinner and enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Pappajohn sculpture park.  We love it there and we were so very excited to share it with Papa and Nanny.  Sunday morning we enjoyed some awesome family time playing games, giggling ALOT, going on walks, making pancakes and cherishing our time together before they left.  I just love these visits.....come back soon Mom and Dad (Nanny and Papa)-- we love you both!!!!

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