Thursday, May 31, 2012

End of School Happenings

 Chess Team Tournament awards
"King Ben"
The end of the school year was celebrated for Kate and Ben in many different ways. There was an awards presentation for the entire school which the kids both love. In the 1st grade, Ben's teacher did an ABC countdown to the end of the year starting the last week of April going until June 1st. On this particular day "Q" Queen and King Day, they made crowns.
 Both kids have loved school so much this year. In true Kate fashion, she is already counting down the days until 5th grade starts. Ben on the other hand is savoring each and every last moment of 1st grade, ending the day often reminiscing of the fun that he has had this year, and with a tear in his eye saying "I am really going to miss 1st grade Mom"  Each kiddo, unique in their own way -- Dad and I are so very proud of all of your accomplishments this past year, FANTASTIC job!!!!!

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