Friday, June 27, 2014

Kate ~ church camp

Hilary, Lauren, Erin, Me, Brigette, Elyse, Megan, Lydia, Clarissa, and Elisa

Clarissa, Brigette, me, Lauren, Elyse, Megan, Lydia

Hey, this is Kate!I had a great week at Riverside this year! This Summer's theme was "In Christ".In Christ all of us are a new creation,if you believe in God, anything can happen (some key points of camp this year). I had a fun filled week with: God Time, Chapel, Bible Study, Meal Time, Skits, Talent Shows, Cabin Bonding, Prayer Night, and The Mime. I was in Redeemer Cabin this Summer, and it was one of my favorite Summer's!  I enjoyed meeting a lot of new friends and seeing old friends. It is always a blessing to be there in God's wonderful presence all week. I have a lot of fun and it's always hard to leave on Friday afternoon. I can't wait for next Summer and I hope it's just as good as this Summer was.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Kate -- Spring Soccer - 2014

 Team picture with Coach Pete...Coach Brian had to leave early -- they both did a great job with the girls this season.
 Getting set up to man the goal. Kate played goalie all season for at least the first half in each match. She did a great job!!!
 go get'em Kate!!
 Nice foot work Sis!

Yeah 22 -- taking it to the goal!
Kate played soccer this Spring. She was the main goalie for the season and showed all of us, not only her physical toughness but also her mental toughness by sticking in there for her team and playing very well!  I have told her that I don't know how she does it when they are all running at her and kicking the ball as hard as they can.  It seems so intimidating, but she does not let it shake her.  We all love to watch her play.....great job this season Kate & we are proud of you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Kate's 6th Grade Party


 2020 class mates enjoying the BBQ

 6th grade teachers
 Girls having FUN!!!

My favorite girl and I striking a pose in the photo booth

 Kate enjoying her afternoon playing some ball -- nice hit Sissy!
The Fairmeadows 6th graders were treated to an afternoon of fun on their last day of school. They had their annual "clap out" down the halls of their elementary building (Kate even got a hug from Ben as she passed by his hallway -- so sweet) Then out the doors they ran to the buses waiting to take them to the park for an afternoon of fun! What a great way to celebrate their last day together as the class of 2020 from eementary school...such memories have been made with these 82 kiddo's!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for all of them......on to Junior High -- YIPEE!!!!

Last "last day" of school together picture

A flash back of how fast these past 6 years of elementary school have gone for Kate.....this picture is from 1st grade.  This year was the last time that they will be in the same school.  Kind of strange for me to think about.  I have always felt a sense of "comfort" knowing that they were in the same building each and every day.  I have loved watching them run up the sidewalk, Ben always racing to be in front (-;  Now Miss Kate is ready to embark on the new adventure of Junior High and I could not be more excited for her!!  You are going to do GREAT Kate -- I love you!!
Ben had a great year in 3rd grade. He was noted to be a tremendous leader in the classroom (both academically and socially) and loved being with his buddies each day!!  We are so proud of how well you did Ben -- keep up the great work!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kate's 6th Grade graduation

accepting her awards

Kate, Kaitlyn, and Gracie

So proud of you Sissy!!!
Kate and Mackenzie
Today was Kate's 6th grade graduation ceremony. She has had such a wonderful experience all throughout elementary school. Meeting new friends, learning exciting & challenging things each year, growing both physically and emotionally -- WOW sweetie, it has been such a fun adventure! I honestly can't believe that this chapter in your life is completed. We were just talking the other day about your half day kindergarten career and how Ben and I would come and pick you up, then we would all go home for lunch together....those were such precious times.....ones that I will treasure always. Now it's off to Junior High School and you will do GREAT!!! I am so excited about all of the new adventures that you will go on, and Dad and I are so VERY proud of the beautiful young lady that you have become and all of the things that you have accomplished already. So without further adieu...I will turn it over to Dr. Seuss.....he seems to always say it best with "Oh, The Places You'll Go!"

“You're off to Great Places!
Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!” 
“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains.” 
WE love you Kate -- XOXOXO!!!

3rd Grade field trip with Ben

Miss Natalie dressed as a beaver
Elliott, Matt and Tyler

 Kyle, Ben and Ben
Learning all about the ferret
I had a great day visiting the zoo with the 3rd graders today. It was so beautiful out, as you can tell from the picture perfect skies.  We began the day learning about many different animals and the environments that they live in all around the world. The kids had been studying these different regions at school, so it was great to see them put all of the information together and make connections with their ideas and animals. We enjoyed a picnic lunch and then had the rest of the afternoon free to explore all around the zoo. Ben had such a great time with this buddies!  Thanks for inviting me along with you -- I love these times together with you my boy!!