Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Last "last day" of school together picture

A flash back of how fast these past 6 years of elementary school have gone for Kate.....this picture is from 1st grade.  This year was the last time that they will be in the same school.  Kind of strange for me to think about.  I have always felt a sense of "comfort" knowing that they were in the same building each and every day.  I have loved watching them run up the sidewalk, Ben always racing to be in front (-;  Now Miss Kate is ready to embark on the new adventure of Junior High and I could not be more excited for her!!  You are going to do GREAT Kate -- I love you!!
Ben had a great year in 3rd grade. He was noted to be a tremendous leader in the classroom (both academically and socially) and loved being with his buddies each day!!  We are so proud of how well you did Ben -- keep up the great work!!

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