Monday, June 9, 2014

Kate -- Spring Soccer - 2014

 Team picture with Coach Pete...Coach Brian had to leave early -- they both did a great job with the girls this season.
 Getting set up to man the goal. Kate played goalie all season for at least the first half in each match. She did a great job!!!
 go get'em Kate!!
 Nice foot work Sis!

Yeah 22 -- taking it to the goal!
Kate played soccer this Spring. She was the main goalie for the season and showed all of us, not only her physical toughness but also her mental toughness by sticking in there for her team and playing very well!  I have told her that I don't know how she does it when they are all running at her and kicking the ball as hard as they can.  It seems so intimidating, but she does not let it shake her.  We all love to watch her play.....great job this season Kate & we are proud of you!

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