Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day at Adventureland

Kate and Ben in the "chuck wagons"

Ben and Grandma Cairney on the sky glider

Ben, Grandma & Kate

the kids and I on the Ferris Wheel
It was so nice here on July 3rd, that I decided that it would be a perfect day to surprise Kate and Ben with a trip to Adventureland. Luckily, Grandma Cairney was able to come along and hang out with us for the am and afternoon. It was wonderful having her there. We had such a great time. The perfect weather, no lines and the kids loved riding the rides. We got there around 1030, stopped for a delicious picnic lunch, took Grandma to her car around 6:30pm and then the kids and I went back in after some cheeseburgers from Mc. D's and more of our picnic snacks and closed the place down at 9 pm! What a day! This year, the kids had really grown and were able to ride more of the rides. Ben even went on the "Outlaw" ( the big wooder rollercoaster) with me! Although, he did not like it and told Kate that is was WAY TO SCARY! She then decided to not go on it with me - bummer! Some of our new favorites for the day were the skyglider, the tilt-a-whirl (which really made us giggle) the sawmill splash, the G-force and of course the Bingo Hall. Ben and I got a bingo, and they were able to pick a very cool prize! We will definitely be visiting there again....a very fun, but exhausting day. I loved it!!! Even after 31 years, I still love that place - thanks again Grandma Cairney for coming with us!

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