Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ragbrai 2009

Taking a break in the many cornfields that you ride by. I had to watch my step, because others use the corn fields for other things.

Our last big climb riding into Chariton

Ragbrai is known for the fabulous food that you get to eat along the way. We stopped in Milo and had an awesome pancake breakfast and then finished off our meal with delicious apple, rhubarb and raisin pie - YUMO!!!

We rode as "Jack's Team" today and you were our inspiration Jack. These shirts got so many compliments and comments. As I was climbing up the hills, thinking that my legs were really aching, or that I could not push one more pedal, I thought of you Jack. Everything that you have to go through each and everyday with being diabetic (finger pricks, shots,rotating pump sites, watching your diet, Dr. appointments, etc), this one day of "aches" for me was nothing. You are such an inspiration for us Jack - we love you!

Taking a little break in Milo

Today, was yet another one of those days in my life that I will cherish always. This Spring when the Des Moines Register released the route of the ride, Doug said immediately, "We should really do a day or two this year, I think that you would like it." LIKE IT??? LIKE IT?? I absolutely LOVED IT!!! I of course thought that I would be more prepared as far as my training went. But I did just fine. I could not believe we were done with our 45+ miles by noon. Tuesday night, we drove our van down to Chariton to drop it off. On our way back we drove the route and did notice that there were some killer hills. This did worry me a bit, but I was just trying to focus on how much fun it would be going down the other side. Then the Yankees had a game last night, so we had to get back to West DesMoines for Ben's game. Another very entertaining one for all of us. On his first at bat, he swung so hard that he spun around and landed right on his tushy! - Too cute! He just rubbed his bumper and got right back up and got the next one. He made a few good plays at 1st and 3rd and had alot of fun.

After the game, we headed back down to Indianola to stay with Dick and Celie. Just as Doug predicted, when I have something fun going on the next day, I can hardly sleep. I was up around 5:30, we ate some Cheerios, and then were on our bikes a little after 6. Riding around Indianola on our way to the official route was very cool. There is nothing like seeing 1000's of tents and people all getting fired up for another day of riding. The weather was very cool, damp and foggy when we started out, but turned out to be a gorgeous sunny afternoon with temp's in the 80's. I had such a great time. I loved that Doug and I were able to spend the day together, laughing, chatting, pedaling hard, eating, drinking and meeting people from all across the world. I may be addicted to this biking thing now - watch out! And for any of you who would like to come along next time, we would love to have you join us.
Thanks again to Grandpa and Grandma Cairney for entertaining the kiddo's for us. We really appreciated it!

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