Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Zimmerman Reunion

Yankee, taking a break from playing

Ashlyn, Kate & Alex

Front left: Marie, Terese, Marge & Celie.
Back left: Joe, Don, Jerry & Mike.

Ben is really into taking pictures lately, so he took this one of Doug and I.
I thought that he did a pretty good job.

Last weekend we spent the day in Minden, Iowa with Celie's family, "The Zimmerman's". Celie (my mother-in-law) is the youngest of 14 kids and there are 8 still living. What an amazing family! Doug has over 50 first cousins so it is always fun to try and touch base with everyone at least once a year. Kate and Ben also enjoy getting to meet some new second cousins every year. This year we met (Ashlyn, Alex, and Ava Kowalczyk). They were down from Sioux Falls. When we got home that night, Doug and I headed out to church for the David Crowder Band concert - which was fabulous by the way! The kids had a fun evening here at home with their good buddy J.J. Micka.

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