Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Paulson's visit

We tried to get a group photo of everyone - thanks to Mr. Ben, our photograper!

the other half of the couch ( and the group)

Our good friends The Califf's (Nancy and Randy)

Stephanie and I love to chat about our blogs, and now are are actually on each others!
Here we are with the kids (The Paulson's - Lindsey, Daniel, and Hilary) and Kate & Ben

All of the small group kiddo's, starting from the top left:
Kate, Elli Churchill, Maddie Churchill, Lindsey Paulson, Trevor Churchill.
Bottom row, left: Hilary Paulson, Danny Paulson, Ben, Wil Cooper and Payton Cooper.
What adorable gifts that God has given all of us. The Califf's have 2 handsome boys, Max and Gabriel, not in the photo.

We have been waiting for this day for so long and it finally arrived. Our very dear friends, the Paulson's, were in town today for a visit while back in Iowa visiting family. For those of you who don't know them, we have been blessed to have them in our lives for the past 8 years. They moved to Gainsville, Floriday last May and we have missed them so much! Doug and I met Scott and Stephanie during our Alpha class at church and we all became wonderful friends. Our small group relationships grew very strong over the years with the Cooper's, the Churchill's, the Califf's and the Paulson's. We have prayed together, cried together, celebrated together, studied the word, watched our families grow, greived the loss of parents & loved ones. We have prayed for employments, adoptions, healthy births, new personal businesses and mostly, have all became closer to Christ in our relationships and with each other. It was been such a blessing to have all of these amazing people in our lives. Today, we all celebrated having the Paulson's here with a brunch at our house after church. What a fabulous day we had! The kids are all getting so big and had a great time......even the adults enjoyed some quality time together for a few hours. My only complaint was that it went way too fast. Stephanie and I have been chatting back and forth about this date for months. Now, we can start to look forward to our trip to Florida in February when we will see them again. Thank you Paulson's for spending some time with all of us today - we loved having you here and are all so blessed by having you in our lives. We love you all and hope that the rest of your travels go smoothly!

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