Monday, February 20, 2012

The Lighthouse

Our view from the top
Most of us were still smiling, proud of our accomplished climb, except for Ben, who was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!Looking down from the top rung of stepsDoug and the kids Sailor Jim, teaching the kids about his findings (whale tooth & elephants tusk)
A few years ago, when we were here, we could not climb the lighthouse due to the kid's ages. We were all very excited to accomplish this task! We did some investigating and found out that there are 219 steps to the top. With confidence and much excitement we set out on our journey, learning so many awesome facts along the way (i.e., that the lighthouse keepers used to have to carry 5 gallons of hot oil to the top to keep the fire burning multiple times during their shift of work). The only downside to our day was that the temperature did not cooperate as we would have liked. Our time enjoying the view on top was cut a bit short -- WOW it was windy and cold up there! But we made it and I think that we would all like to explore more lighthouses when we visit the coasts.

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