Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On our way -- ocean here we come!!!!

Yes, this is the time we woke the kids up!Nothing like a bowl of Lucky Charms to kick a vacation off! One appears a bit more awake than the other don't you think????Miss Kate, proudly enjoying her morning version of "caffeine" via Hot Chocolate (just before spilling a few drops on her about 4 times (-; ( in true Sissy fashion)
Ben proudly showing off his razor clam ...all smiles as I dip my toes for the first time (I can tell that that ocean has missed me)
Our flights all went very smooth leaving here around 6 AM and arriving in Florida by noon or so. Even though I thought I was CRAZY booking an early bird flight, it went great, and quite an experience for us all getting up that early. My Dad used to always say the morning of a vacation to me when I was little "Today's the DAY!!!" and that is how I woke Kate and Ben. I couldn't help but be just as excited as they were....I LOVE vacation and am very passionate about the beach. We had all been missing Grandpa and Grandma too since they had left the last part of January. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon when we arrived, so we immediately headed to the beach, Kate later checked out the pool, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner, and then were completely crashed out by 9 PM. What a great first day!!

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