Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend at the Paulson's

Stephanie and I Kate and HilaryGood buddies -- Ben and Dannysome of the gang trying to conquer the "spinning circle"Ben blocking Daddy so that Daniel can take it in for the T-Down!! -- a very heated game of backyard flag football between the Dad's and son's
Over the weekend we drove to Gainesville to visit the Paulson family (Scott, Stephanie, Lindsey, Danny & Hilary). We have known them for about 9 years. While they were living here in Des Moines we were in a small group together at church and really formed a special bond with them all. Unfortunately, due to a work relocation they moved down to Florida about 4 years ago and we miss them horribly )-: It was wonderful to get caught up and everyone reconnected just like no time had passed since we last saw them! Stephanie is an amazing blogger which helps us stay connected on a regular basis. They treated us to delicious meals, fun times at the park, basketball games, table tennis matches, football, wonderful fellowship at church, tours around the Univ. of Florida campus, slumber parties and best of all --very special memories created together as friends ~~ We love you all Paulson family -- thanks so much for your amazing hospitality!!!
--this quote is so great and I think it sums up special people in our lives that God blesses us with perfectly!!! "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom".... -- M. Post

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