Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Florida Vacation - Last Day

Our view from the Boardwalk - a group photo with Papa and Gramma C.What a beautiful sunrise to say "Goodbye"These little critters just love to scare me! Wasn't this nice of him to tell me goodbye that morning??
It is always so bitter sweet for me those last few hours of vacation. I am usually a little anxious to get packed up, to get to the airport on time, and wanting to spend a few more hours on the beach, dipping my toes in the ocean one last time. This trip was no different and it was so beautiful that morning. As I walked along, reflecting on the last week that we had been blessed with, my heart was bursting with such thanksgiving for the blessings that we had been given, for the kindness of Dick and Celie for inviting us to share this time with them, the good weather, friendships and family. St. Augustine, once again, you treated us well, and many memories were made. We can't wait to return and continue to explore all of the things we did not get to this time, and of course, there will be more putt-putt golfing I am sure.

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