Sunday, May 16, 2010

other photo

Here is that other photo that I promised - is that an adorable card or what!
There is nothing like those precious little creations that kids make you, made from their two sweet little hands........thank-you Ben - Love, Mom

Weekend - May 16th - Well, our plans to go back to Pender were suddenly changed in our drive way Saturday morning after soccer when the battery in our van decided that it could not go another mile. After wiping our tears (Kate's, even though I was super disappointed too) we completely unpacked, waited for Doug to get home, and then off to the shop we went. Since the van repair took too long, we crashed Daddy's trip to Pella to see Greg, Dawn and kids and to celebrate the college graduation of a very dear friend of all in all, we had a wonderful weekend, filled with lots of laughs, soccer matches, practices, baseball games, and church! - just missed our Nebraska peeps!! Congratulations to Aunt Wendi - graduating from Nursing School, Jase & Jared Johnson - graduating from Pender High and Northeast Tech --- Way to go everyone!!!!

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