Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pre-school graduation

Ben's pre-K class

Joey, Jack, Drew, Kate, Ben and Aunt Lynne

We are so proud of our "graduate"

the big guy on graduation!

Here he is with all three classes...he is on the second to the top
row on the far right side.

Tuesday night was Ben's preschool graduation. It was quite the evening.....beginning with a special dinner her at home with the Jensen's and Papa and Grandma Cairney (Ben picked the menu - hot dog on a bun, doritos, watermelon, lettuce salad, and birthday party ice cream for dessert) (-: It was quite tasty and a beautiful night for a BBQ! They had been preparing for this program for a few weeks at school, so I had a little preview of what to expect. But as you all know with preschoolers, there is nothing like seeing the excitement on their little faces and feeling the energy just come pouring out of 48 little bodies all on stage, performing their little hearts out! Singing their praises for all of us, but mostly for the love that they feel for Jesus! I asked Ben what his two favorite songs were, and he said "Stand on the Rock" and "Jesus loves me"......they were all my favorite, but I would have to agree, those two were good ones.
It was an emotional night for me off and on......I mean, for those of you whom have been blessed with knowing Mr. Ben Cairney for the past 5 1/2 years, who would have guessed the timid, introverted boy that walked into New Horizon's Preschool 2 years ago, would have graduated being known as a "leader" in the classroom, one whom talked frequently, always willing to share thoughts and ideas in the class, and just a "great kid to be around"! Of course, we always saw that side of him here at home, but when he started the 3 year old class, I remember Mrs. Bleeker (his teacher) saying, "Don't worry, he will eventually talk to me (-: "
Now off to Kindergarten we go next Fall, and of course, he is already talking about that and so looking forward to it! I am talking myself into being excited for that first day too....even though I know that is all part of the plan.....I will most likely walk away from school that day too, wiping my eyes, knowing that this is just another very exciting day in the journey of life for Mr. Benjamin Cairney! But I will forever, hold in my heart, a piece of that little blond headed boy that used to hide his face in my neck or bury himself in my legs......I love you buddy - Congratulations on your graduation -- I am so proud of you!!!
XOXO -- Mommy

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