Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Papa & Nanny Suhr visit

We had the best weekend visit with my parents! We kicked off the weekend with them being here as soon as we all got home from school and work. The kids were so very excited....I was too!!! Our weekend was filled with the kids both having basketball games and my mom and I were able to squeeze in a little shopping. They also had a special dinner (dining in Chinese at Hy-Vee (the kids picked) and movie night while Doug and I were at my work party.
The kids are playing for the "Upward" league and are having such fun! Doug is coaching them both so that is keeping him busy. I should have had the video camera with me this weekend because Miss Kate had the game of her life! She was hustling everywhere, making tons of baskets, cheering on her teammates, but most importantly - having the time of her life!! Her little face was just beaming with happiness! We were very proud of you Kate!
This was Ben's first game ever this Saturday too and he did super also...however, it is funny how he measures whether he did well or not. I told him that the did a great job hustling, on defense, dribbling, etc.,.and how proud we were of him too, but he quickly said, "But none of my baskets went in!" Hang in there buddy!
Thanks again Mom and Dad for coming over, wish that it could have been longer!!!

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