Thursday, February 17, 2011

Strength + Perserverance + Courage + Faith = My Uncle Roger

Some of you may know that my Uncle Roger has been battling cancer for the past 2+years....he is now in the last stages of this fight and still today, continues to amaze me!! After going thru major surgeries, numerous chemotherapy & radiation treatments, his cancer was still continuing to win this battle. In November/December they decided that he would stop all of his treatments and focus on staying as comfortable as he could, just enjoying life as much as possible!! And enjoy life he has.....For my entire life, this guy has held a very special place in my heart. It was like God had blessed me with another amazing Dad, except for this one lived in Iowa, with one of the most amazing girls you could ever meet (my dear Becky). Not only were her and barely 1 month apart in age, but we were as close as any cousins could be and still are to this day! When I was younger, we would spend as many weekends together as we could during the year. All summer we would trade off weeks and either go to Nebraska or me at the Fett house. So many of my childhood memories revolve around this amazing family and the blessings they have given me.

I cannot even begin to explain the fun that I have had with them all for the past 37+years.....but as these last days of his life here on Earth are drawing near....I have been thinking so much about how him and my Aunt Sharolyn have impacted me. I ask God on so many occasions why someone we love so much would have to suffer in this way?? I know that he will tell me his answer one day and it will be so very clear, but until then, I can only ponder on the thought that he is teaching us to live more like Roger has each and every day. Not only is he a man that loves the Lord & has an amazing faith, but he has taught me to SLOW down -- enjoy life! He has always been the kind of guy that never seemed to be in a hurry to leave anywhere, or would always arrive somewhere that people were not expecting them to (thinking that him and Sharolyn would not drive over for 3+ hours just for a small event that may only last an hour or two) and then make the long drive back home that same night. But now it is all so clear to just make the TIME for people that you love, those that you care about, and the rest of life is just details....
Sitting in the hospital room tonight with him, my Aunt Sharolyn, Becky and her siblings, we talked about this....they asked me, "What shall we continue to say when people ask us "What can we do to help?? What do you need?" and I just thought for a moment and said, "You know people are thinking of you all, praying, I think the best thing that you can do is just encourage people to "go and visit more, pick up the phone and call those people that are on your mind, send that card, send that email, give those hugs&kisses, and most importantly, tell those that you love, how much you love them and why!" This I feel just cannot be done enough, and it is something that you will never regret!

We continue to pray for comfort for them all, that God just shines down his love & mercy on them, and gives them peace.

As I was leaving Roger's room tonight, I told him that I loved him, gave him a hug & kiss on the cheek and then he whispered "Thank-you" to me, squeezed my hand, and winked his eye. I told him that helping him has been an honor and privilege for me....I love you Uncle Roger - thank-you for living the life that you have!!!

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