Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Florida Vacation - Last Day

Our view from the Boardwalk - a group photo with Papa and Gramma C.What a beautiful sunrise to say "Goodbye"These little critters just love to scare me! Wasn't this nice of him to tell me goodbye that morning??
It is always so bitter sweet for me those last few hours of vacation. I am usually a little anxious to get packed up, to get to the airport on time, and wanting to spend a few more hours on the beach, dipping my toes in the ocean one last time. This trip was no different and it was so beautiful that morning. As I walked along, reflecting on the last week that we had been blessed with, my heart was bursting with such thanksgiving for the blessings that we had been given, for the kindness of Dick and Celie for inviting us to share this time with them, the good weather, friendships and family. St. Augustine, once again, you treated us well, and many memories were made. We can't wait to return and continue to explore all of the things we did not get to this time, and of course, there will be more putt-putt golfing I am sure.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Lighthouse

Our view from the top
Most of us were still smiling, proud of our accomplished climb, except for Ben, who was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!Looking down from the top rung of stepsDoug and the kids Sailor Jim, teaching the kids about his findings (whale tooth & elephants tusk)
A few years ago, when we were here, we could not climb the lighthouse due to the kid's ages. We were all very excited to accomplish this task! We did some investigating and found out that there are 219 steps to the top. With confidence and much excitement we set out on our journey, learning so many awesome facts along the way (i.e., that the lighthouse keepers used to have to carry 5 gallons of hot oil to the top to keep the fire burning multiple times during their shift of work). The only downside to our day was that the temperature did not cooperate as we would have liked. Our time enjoying the view on top was cut a bit short -- WOW it was windy and cold up there! But we made it and I think that we would all like to explore more lighthouses when we visit the coasts.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Putt-putt golfing

Our favorite putt-putt courseMr. Ben all smiles after one of his many hole in one's
GrammaC and Kate exicited for their hole in one's too!
I love this hole that goes across the ship
It would not be an annual Cairney vacation without some putt-putt. We all have such a great time playing and it gets very competitive! Congratulations goes out to Gramma and Ben's alter ego "Calvin" for being able to claim top honors for the week. (-:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekend at the Paulson's

Stephanie and I Kate and HilaryGood buddies -- Ben and Dannysome of the gang trying to conquer the "spinning circle"Ben blocking Daddy so that Daniel can take it in for the T-Down!! -- a very heated game of backyard flag football between the Dad's and son's
Over the weekend we drove to Gainesville to visit the Paulson family (Scott, Stephanie, Lindsey, Danny & Hilary). We have known them for about 9 years. While they were living here in Des Moines we were in a small group together at church and really formed a special bond with them all. Unfortunately, due to a work relocation they moved down to Florida about 4 years ago and we miss them horribly )-: It was wonderful to get caught up and everyone reconnected just like no time had passed since we last saw them! Stephanie is an amazing blogger which helps us stay connected on a regular basis. They treated us to delicious meals, fun times at the park, basketball games, table tennis matches, football, wonderful fellowship at church, tours around the Univ. of Florida campus, slumber parties and best of all --very special memories created together as friends ~~ We love you all Paulson family -- thanks so much for your amazing hospitality!!!
--this quote is so great and I think it sums up special people in our lives that God blesses us with perfectly!!! "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom".... -- M. Post

Tour of campus

Kate and Danny and their gator headsHow can these Husker fans be in the "SWAMP???"

Friday, February 17, 2012

The games that we played......

Kate loved swimming in the heated poolshooting hoops and tennis was a favorite almost every day and when the rain showers moved in for an afternoon, we played the never ending card game of "garbage"......it lasted at least 2 hours, and there was tons of giggling (o:
We all enjoy shuffleboard

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sand sculptures

let the creations begin.....Kate & the starfishdolphinseahorse
Every year that we come to the beach, Doug and the kids constantly amaze me with their sand creations......It was a beautiful day at the beach and they turned out great! They even survived the high tide over night and we were all surprised to see them there the next morning when we were on our walks. Great job you guys -- (:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

On our way -- ocean here we come!!!!

Yes, this is the time we woke the kids up!Nothing like a bowl of Lucky Charms to kick a vacation off! One appears a bit more awake than the other don't you think????Miss Kate, proudly enjoying her morning version of "caffeine" via Hot Chocolate (just before spilling a few drops on her about 4 times (-; ( in true Sissy fashion)
Ben proudly showing off his razor clam ...all smiles as I dip my toes for the first time (I can tell that that ocean has missed me)
Our flights all went very smooth leaving here around 6 AM and arriving in Florida by noon or so. Even though I thought I was CRAZY booking an early bird flight, it went great, and quite an experience for us all getting up that early. My Dad used to always say the morning of a vacation to me when I was little "Today's the DAY!!!" and that is how I woke Kate and Ben. I couldn't help but be just as excited as they were....I LOVE vacation and am very passionate about the beach. We had all been missing Grandpa and Grandma too since they had left the last part of January. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon when we arrived, so we immediately headed to the beach, Kate later checked out the pool, we all enjoyed a delicious dinner, and then were completely crashed out by 9 PM. What a great first day!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

~My true Valentine ~A VERY sweet note written by Mr. Ben himself wishing us a Happy Valentine's DayAt 7, he is still smiling after a kiss from his MOM!And of course, Miss Kate -- loving her 8th Chocolate covered strawberry for the day.
We had a good Valentine's Day at the Cairney house -- shared with plenty of hugs, smooches and best of all, just being able to tell each other how much we love and appreciate one another!! I treated everyone to chocolate dipped strawberries that we enjoyed all day long -- YUMMY (-:
XOXOXOXO to you all -- Love, the Cairney's

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kate's first Orchestra Concert

this is what little brothers do at Orchestra concerts (-;the 4th graders getting set up to performKate is in the 4th row, middle
She is all SMILES !!!

Miss Kate has been playing the viola this year in school, and had her first concert last Thursday. She was so very excited and we were SO proud of her -- way to go KATE!!!