Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Kate loved the idea that she could be in "2 states" at the same time!

Mr. Ben - zipping down the slide at the Park in the Old Market

A perfect ending to a beautiful day - ice cream sundaes!
We had a fun weekend in Omaha! On Sunday morning, we decided to meet my parents (whom were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary - congrat's to them!) at my sister Wendi's house for brunch and a fun afternoon together. The kids were super excited to see everyone, and after a delicious brunch we spent the afternoon at the park, playing basketball, lawn darts, and Wii! Then we headed over to visit Cairney West (Brian, Suzy, Nick & Zach) for the rest of the afternoon and evening. It is always fun catching up with them.....and of course, getting to cuddle with their dog Sammy (especially a plus for Ben). This morning we thought we may spend a few hours at the zoo before heading back to Des Moines, but the crowds and traffic were a bit much, so we went with plan B, headed for the Old Market area and had a great afternoon. We walked over the pedestrian bridge, played at the Mall on the slides for a while and then grabbed some lunch before heading home. Kate and Ben ended their day with a yummy ice cream sundae (-: What a gorgeous weekend it was! Now Miss Kate has 7 more days of school to finish up and then summer can officially begin for her......we are all really looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Julia Peavy said...

Sounds like a great trip Keri! See you in a couple weeks!!