Sunday, October 31, 2010

Soccer Season - 2010 - Ben

Mr. Ben also finished out his soccer season this weekend. He would probably say that the highlight of his season was his arm being healed enough to finish out the last game with some more goals!!! Way to go Ben - we are very proud of how you hustle out there. Him and I celebrated the day with a final round of miniature golf together on Saturday. We had a great time -- it was also a treat because as you can see in the pictures, he got his cast off on Tuesday - Horray!!! Now we are just wearing the "splint" until the end of November to give the arm a little longer to heal. Thank-you to everyone for your kind words of encouragement and prayers for healing!!! They worked (-:

Soccer season - Fall 2010

Kate wrapped up her soccer season last weekend. She had a great time playing again this fall and seems to really enjoy herself out there. She would say that her "foot work" really improved this season, and I would have to agree......we are proud of you Kate -- way to go!!!

Happy Halloween

We had a wonderful night for Trick-or Treating here in West Des Moines.....the storm trooper and soccer player got tons of yummy candy and had a very fun time running around the neighborhood with their pals. We could not have asked for more beautiful fall weather....Happy Halloween everyone!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Birthday week is over!!!

Well here they are, Mr. Ben and Miss Kate, proudly displaying their new ages with the cards that I made them!! It gets a little crazy around here in October with their birthdays only being a week apart....but once again, we had a wonderful time, made tons of memories and even added a new "green" short arm cast to the mix! I am sure that they are already counting down the days until next year...........

Ben's birthday

I am not for sure what is happening for the layout of this post....I reformatted it 3 times and cannot get it to align the photos!!! We were able to celebrate Ben's birthday last Sunday with his birthday buddy (Grandma Cairney), Papa Cairney, the Jensen Family and Uncle Jim. It was another beautiful Fall day and we started the afternoon off with cousin Joey's football game (way to go Indianola Chargers!!) Then we headed over to Papa & Grandma's for a pizza party. Ben requested a special birthday meal of homemade pizza, salad, strawberries, chocolate cake & ice cream. I must say, the kid has great taste - because everything was delicious!!! We had so much fun celebrating with everyone. He received many wonderful gifts for his birthday, so thank-you to everyone. He is really loving the new Hawkeye hat/shirts, and is working away at all of his new lego sets. The stories at bedtime also had some new additions this week thanks to Cairney West with a supply of Star Wars stories!
For those of you that know Mr. Ben, he has really changed so much over the past 6 years. Not that every kid doesn't, but there is something different about this little guy! He just has a way of reading people, knowing what they need, the right things to say & when, etc.,. (especially his Mama - he seems to always know when I can use a Benny hug, and I pray that this never ends! ) He is no longer that little introverted self (that used to always hide his face in my shoulder, my legs, my neck, etc.,.or just look up at me with those big blue eyes, begging me to talk for him). It has been such a joy to have you in our lives Benjamin Douglas! I thank God for you each and every day and praise him for choosing ME to be your Mom -- I love you buddy -- Many more birthdays -- XOXOX - Mommy

Pumpkin farm/corn maze

Max, Stephen, and Kate -- telling stories around the campfire

Max, Ben and Kate -- ready to head into the corn maze

Our crazy little animals -- can you guess who's who??
Ben (goat), Stephen (cow), Colin (sheep), Max (horse), and Miss Kate (the adorable pig (-: )

the casted cowboy!

Last weekend, the Wilson's invited us to go to Geisler Farms for the evening. We had a hot dog roast, some yummy smores', explored the corn maze, went on a hayrack ride, played games and mostly - enjoyed a gorgeous Fall evening outside celebrating Max's 9th birthday with him and some of his buddies. We had such a great time and cannot wait to go back next year!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ben's early birthday present!

this is the happiest face that he told me he could give!

very excited about his new Star Wars Lego sets - thanks Wendi, Jon and Nanny

Reading some of his cards to Papa

Blowing out the 6 candles -- way to go buddy!
Well, as I said, we were in Lincoln celebrating a wedding and some early birthdays this weekend. Mr Ben had been having as "perfect" of a Sunday for a 5 year old (in his mind) until we decided to go to the park. I mean, who doesn't like staying at a hotel, sleeping in a big bed with their very cool Mom and Sister, waking up and watching cartoons in bed (while eating Nanny's delicious muffins), swimming for hours in the hotel pool, shooting hoops with cousins on a beautiful Fall morning??? It was perfect, until his Mom (yes, that's me), suggested that we go play at a park that she found near by the hotel, so we walked over there for just a few more minutes of fresh air before starting our little 3 hour trip. AND bump, bam went Ben as he jumped off the slide (or atleast that is what he is telling us) and before I knew it he was on the ground in tears, crying harder than I had seen him cry in awhile.......bloody lip, alligator tears, and a right arm that he was not hardly moving......Long story short, we cleaned him up, I carried him back to the hotel, looked at the arm (which was quite swollen already), snuggled him in with an ice pack (thanks to the Marriot hotel) and we packed up and headed home. After a quick visit with the Dr. last night, we now are the proud owners of a bright green, shiny new, right arm cast! Ben has been such a trooper throughout this entire ordeal, but to those of us that know him best, we knew that it had to be broken, just by his behavior, (very low key, very sensitive, not even attempting to play his DS (-: )..etc.,..He is getting ALOT of attention from strangers and those who know and love him, which as you all know, he is not enjoying!......but we are just thankful that bones heal, and hopefully the next 2-3 weeks goes by quickly for the little guy - We love you buddy - hang in there!!! As for now, he is saying that "no one" can sign the cast either - we will keep you posted on this.......who knows......

Kate's 9th Birthday

The Suhr & Stoltenberg cousins (William and Jon) celebrating with Kate and Ben

Kate was very excited to tint the blue frosting and add the sprinkles to her cake

The bowling girls - Kaitlyn, Mackenzie, Kate and Sydney

The birthday gang - Kate had a few friends over on Monday for pizza, bowling, and of course, tons of giggling!! What fun they had......thanks Sydney, Mackenzie, and Kaitlyn for celebrating with us!!!

Thanks for the awesome pumpkin Aunt Nicki
This weekend we went over to Lincoln for a family wedding and at the same time, were able to celebrate Kate and Ben's birthdays with our "Suhr Family" (Papa, Nanny, Aunt Wendi, Jon, Aunt Nicki, William and Jonny). We had a great time laughing, swimming, playing basketball and enjoying Nanny's delicious cup-cakes!!! Thank-you all so much for the wonderful gifts that Miss Kate received. I can't believe that she is "9"......and to quote the birthday we were tucking her into bed, only 10 minutes after her official birthday time last evening.....she says, "I love you too Mom, and do you know what?? I cannot wait for next year at this time when I turn 10!!!!" My dear Kate, if you only knew how fast life flies by you, try and enjoy each and every moment that God gives you......we love you sweet girl, many more birthdays -- XOXO -- Mommy

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcoming Mommy home

A note from Kate on the driveway when I got home

a new NBA friend (posing as a friend from Iowa (-: ) and I am trying to look a bit taller

Mother of the bride (a.k.a., my Aunt Karen)

All of us girls with Tina the morning of her wedding
When I got home Sunday night, I was surprised with a very sweet "Welcome Home" on the driveway from Kate and Ben. They had also hidden little notes around the house for me to find once I got home (just like the ones that I had hidden for them to find each day while I was gone). It was absolutely adorable! From the reports that I got from Doug and friends, it sounds like they all did very well while I was gone. And a very special thank-you goes out to my dear husband for everything that he did while I was gone (keeping up with the kids, coaching soccer, cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, shoe-tying lessons, etc,.,) the list goes on and on....and I so appreciated everything! I love you -- XOXOX
Also, to my brother-in-law David for everything that he was doing to maintain the Stoltenberg house and those 2 boys while my sister Nicki was gone -- thanks so much!!! You two better watch out, since you did so well, you never know when we may plan another trip...... (-:

California Wedding

My dad, sisters (Wendi and Nicki) and I

I guess that we thought that we needed another photo of just "the girls"

Mr. and Mrs. Nate Blessen

Nicki, Wendi, and Mom enjoying a wine tasting in El Dorado County

On our way out to Alcatraz Island
A few weeks ago, I headed out to Sacramento, CA with my sisters, my grandmother and my parents for a family wedding. My cousin Tina was getting married and we found this to be the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time together, see the sights of Sacramento, San Fransisco, and enjoy one of the most beautiful wedding celebrations that I have ever been a part of. Our flights left Omaha without any delay and we arrived in Sacramento to a gorgeous sunny day - temps in the 80's-90's all week/weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect!!! Thursday we spent the day in San Fransisco (amazingly we survived the drive down to the city/around the city and back to Sacramento with me chauffering the entire week - WOW, am I glad that the traffic around here is not like the West Coast - YIKES!) Let's just say that I thank-God that I can now chalk that up to yet another life experience...and a special thanks goes out to Wendi (my navigator - all week/weekend) and also to Nicki for giving it a try (-: better luck next time ( I will give you a second chance! )
While in San Fransisco we spent alot of time down at Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz Island, the Golden Gate Bridge, and of course, enjoying delicious seafood -- YUMMO!!!
Friday we visited the wine country in El Dorado County, enjoyed the amazing weather, and a delicious pre-wedding dinner at the Blessen home. Saturday, we spent some time in downtown Sacramento and in the afternoon it was the wedding at the Old Sugar Mill Winery - and it was absolutely breath taking. Not only were the bride and groom stunning, but everything about the evening was perfect! We all had such a fun time.........
Of course, Sunday morning came too fast, after celebrating until 1 or so in the morning. BUT, we all made it to the airport without delays, had smoothe flights home, and made so many wonderful memories! The only regret, was that I did not take enough photos. Especially with my dear Grandma. She did so great all week/weekend and I can only pray that I am doing as well as she is at 82 years of age. I feel so very blessed that we had this time/trip together.
Thank-you Nate and Tina for inviting all of us to celebrate your wedding with you!