Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ben's birthday

I am not for sure what is happening for the layout of this post....I reformatted it 3 times and cannot get it to align the photos!!! We were able to celebrate Ben's birthday last Sunday with his birthday buddy (Grandma Cairney), Papa Cairney, the Jensen Family and Uncle Jim. It was another beautiful Fall day and we started the afternoon off with cousin Joey's football game (way to go Indianola Chargers!!) Then we headed over to Papa & Grandma's for a pizza party. Ben requested a special birthday meal of homemade pizza, salad, strawberries, chocolate cake & ice cream. I must say, the kid has great taste - because everything was delicious!!! We had so much fun celebrating with everyone. He received many wonderful gifts for his birthday, so thank-you to everyone. He is really loving the new Hawkeye hat/shirts, and is working away at all of his new lego sets. The stories at bedtime also had some new additions this week thanks to Cairney West with a supply of Star Wars stories!
For those of you that know Mr. Ben, he has really changed so much over the past 6 years. Not that every kid doesn't, but there is something different about this little guy! He just has a way of reading people, knowing what they need, the right things to say & when, etc.,. (especially his Mama - he seems to always know when I can use a Benny hug, and I pray that this never ends! ) He is no longer that little introverted self (that used to always hide his face in my shoulder, my legs, my neck, etc.,.or just look up at me with those big blue eyes, begging me to talk for him). It has been such a joy to have you in our lives Benjamin Douglas! I thank God for you each and every day and praise him for choosing ME to be your Mom -- I love you buddy -- Many more birthdays -- XOXOX - Mommy

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