Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcoming Mommy home

A note from Kate on the driveway when I got home

a new NBA friend (posing as a friend from Iowa (-: ) and I am trying to look a bit taller

Mother of the bride (a.k.a., my Aunt Karen)

All of us girls with Tina the morning of her wedding
When I got home Sunday night, I was surprised with a very sweet "Welcome Home" on the driveway from Kate and Ben. They had also hidden little notes around the house for me to find once I got home (just like the ones that I had hidden for them to find each day while I was gone). It was absolutely adorable! From the reports that I got from Doug and friends, it sounds like they all did very well while I was gone. And a very special thank-you goes out to my dear husband for everything that he did while I was gone (keeping up with the kids, coaching soccer, cooking, cleaning, laundry, homework, shoe-tying lessons, etc,.,) the list goes on and on....and I so appreciated everything! I love you -- XOXOX
Also, to my brother-in-law David for everything that he was doing to maintain the Stoltenberg house and those 2 boys while my sister Nicki was gone -- thanks so much!!! You two better watch out, since you did so well, you never know when we may plan another trip...... (-:

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