Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Kate's 9th Birthday

The Suhr & Stoltenberg cousins (William and Jon) celebrating with Kate and Ben

Kate was very excited to tint the blue frosting and add the sprinkles to her cake

The bowling girls - Kaitlyn, Mackenzie, Kate and Sydney

The birthday gang - Kate had a few friends over on Monday for pizza, bowling, and of course, tons of giggling!! What fun they had......thanks Sydney, Mackenzie, and Kaitlyn for celebrating with us!!!

Thanks for the awesome pumpkin Aunt Nicki
This weekend we went over to Lincoln for a family wedding and at the same time, were able to celebrate Kate and Ben's birthdays with our "Suhr Family" (Papa, Nanny, Aunt Wendi, Jon, Aunt Nicki, William and Jonny). We had a great time laughing, swimming, playing basketball and enjoying Nanny's delicious cup-cakes!!! Thank-you all so much for the wonderful gifts that Miss Kate received. I can't believe that she is "9"......and to quote the birthday girl.......as we were tucking her into bed, only 10 minutes after her official birthday time last evening.....she says, "I love you too Mom, and do you know what?? I cannot wait for next year at this time when I turn 10!!!!" My dear Kate, if you only knew how fast life flies by you, try and enjoy each and every moment that God gives you......we love you sweet girl, many more birthdays -- XOXO -- Mommy

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