Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ben's early birthday present!

this is the happiest face that he told me he could give!

very excited about his new Star Wars Lego sets - thanks Wendi, Jon and Nanny

Reading some of his cards to Papa

Blowing out the 6 candles -- way to go buddy!
Well, as I said, we were in Lincoln celebrating a wedding and some early birthdays this weekend. Mr Ben had been having as "perfect" of a Sunday for a 5 year old (in his mind) until we decided to go to the park. I mean, who doesn't like staying at a hotel, sleeping in a big bed with their very cool Mom and Sister, waking up and watching cartoons in bed (while eating Nanny's delicious muffins), swimming for hours in the hotel pool, shooting hoops with cousins on a beautiful Fall morning??? It was perfect, until his Mom (yes, that's me), suggested that we go play at a park that she found near by the hotel, so we walked over there for just a few more minutes of fresh air before starting our little 3 hour trip. AND bump, bam went Ben as he jumped off the slide (or atleast that is what he is telling us) and before I knew it he was on the ground in tears, crying harder than I had seen him cry in awhile.......bloody lip, alligator tears, and a right arm that he was not hardly moving......Long story short, we cleaned him up, I carried him back to the hotel, looked at the arm (which was quite swollen already), snuggled him in with an ice pack (thanks to the Marriot hotel) and we packed up and headed home. After a quick visit with the Dr. last night, we now are the proud owners of a bright green, shiny new, right arm cast! Ben has been such a trooper throughout this entire ordeal, but to those of us that know him best, we knew that it had to be broken, just by his behavior, (very low key, very sensitive, not even attempting to play his DS (-: )..etc.,..He is getting ALOT of attention from strangers and those who know and love him, which as you all know, he is not enjoying!......but we are just thankful that bones heal, and hopefully the next 2-3 weeks goes by quickly for the little guy - We love you buddy - hang in there!!! As for now, he is saying that "no one" can sign the cast either - we will keep you posted on this.......who knows......

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