Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is where the healing begins.......

On February 18th, the morning following my visit with him, Uncle Roger passed away with his family by his Aunt Sharolyn described it as, " just being so peaceful to finally watch all of the discomfort that he has been dealing with for the past several months just leave his body". He was home with his Lord & Saviour and what a celebration I am sure that they had that day in heaven! These two people, (Roger and Sharolyn), have made the most amazing "team" as parents, uncles/aunts, in-laws, cousins, mentors, & friends to so many people over the past 45 years of marriage. My cousins, Becky and Pam, spoke at the funeral (I will never forget the strength that God gave them that day to be able to that - it was amazing!!!). They reminisced about so many wonderful things from their childhoods with their Dad, the amazing man that he was, described his personality perfectly(quiet, humble, loving, loyal, mischievous, handsome, etc,.) and shared heartfelt stories with us all. But the thing that continued to ring through during their messages was that their parents have always taught them how to LOVE , and most importantly, to know that they are loved. Not only by their family, but the special love that we can only receive from God and then give back in return, 1 Corinthians:13 reminds us......."Love never gives up, cares more for others than for self, does not want what it does not have, does not strut or have a swelled head, does not force itself onto others, isn't always "me first", doesn't fly off the handle, keep score of the sins of others, puts up with anything, trusts God ALWAYS, looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going in the end.....LOVE never DIES....This is such a reflection on how they lived their lives together.

Pam also shared this poem
God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be.
So he put his arms around you and whispered, "Come to me".
With tearful eyes we watched you and saw you pass away.
Although we love you dearly, we could not make you stay.
A Golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us that He only takes "the best"

The Pastor also mentioned that afternoon that he had conversations with Roger in regard to his cancer diagnosis. He said that he had once asked him "Do you ever question, "Why Me?" And Roger answered, "Why not me?". I find this to be such a humbling testimony to how he lived his life.....May God forever bless you Uncle Roger & we LOVE YOU!!

A favorite band at the Cairney house, Tenth Avenue North, sings this amazing song, "This is where the healing begins....this is where the healing starts.....when it comes to where your broken within, light meets the dark......


Paulson 5 said...

You all have been in my thoughts and prayers since you told me of the great loss. What beautiful words you shared on your blog about him. I will have to find that song and listen to it. Lots of love coming your way~The Paulsons

Unknown said...

I'm bawling like a baby! Thanks for sharing these beautiful sentiments...maybe you should've spoke!?! ;) That song summarizes all of this perfectly. Love you, dearie!